2021年8月4日 星期三


1.Rastrapalapariprccha (=RP)


2.No. 170佛說德光太子經,西晉月氏國三藏竺法護譯

3.No. 310-18大寶積經卷第八十,隋三藏法師闍那崛多譯,護國菩薩會第一十八

4.No. 321佛說護國尊者所問大乘經,西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿傳法大師臣施護奉詔譯

5.藏譯英 https://read.84000.co/translation/toh62.html

atha khalu rāṣṭrapāla puṇyaraśmī rājakumāraḥ buddhasya varṇaṃ śrutvā, vistareṇa dharmasya saṃghasya varṇaṃ śrutvā, tuṣṭa udagra āttamanāḥ pramuditaḥ prītisaumanasyajāto 'bhūt / atha khalu rāṣṭrapāla puṣparaśme rājakumārasyaitadabhavat - yādṛśaḥ saṃbudho bhagavān, yādṛśī cāsya saṃghasaṃpat, yādṛśaśca tena dharmaḥ sākṣātkṛtaḥ, yādṛśī cāsya śiṣyasaṃpat, yathā viṣayasamavadhānaśca (Vaidya, RP 152) saṃsāraḥ, yathākṛtajñaśca saṃsāraḥ, yathākṝtajñāśca bālapṛthagjanāḥ, yathā viṣamā ca satkāyadṛṣṭiḥ, yathā bahvādīnavaśca gṛhāvāsaḥ, yathā bahudoṣāśca kāmāḥ, yathā garhitaśca paṇḍitaiḥ pramādaḥ, yathā saṃmohaṃ cāvidyāndhakāram, yathā duḥprativedhāśca saṃskārāḥ, yathā durdamaṃ citram, yathā gambhīraṃ nāmarūpam, yathānāsvādaṃ ṣaḍāyatanam, yathā duḥkhavipākaścāparijñātaḥ sparśaḥ, yathā bahvādīnavā vedanāḥ, yathā gāḍhabandhanā tṛṣṇā, yathā duḥpratiniḥsaraṇaṃ copādānam, yathānāryā bhavatṛṣṇā, bhave sati yathā duḥkhasamucchedyā ca jātiḥ, yathā vikārakarī ca jarā, yathā vilopakārakaśca vyādhiḥ, yathā niruvuraktaṃ ca maraṇam, yathālpāsvādā ca pravṛttiḥ, yathā bahvādīnavā ca bhavābhinirvṛttiḥ, yathā ramaṇīyaṃ ca tathāgataśāsanam, nedaṃ śakyaṃ kāmadāsena kleśasaṃmohitena cittakhilena pramādābhiratena bālamadhyagatenāyoniśaścittena saṃsāraraktacittena durjanamadhyagatena na śakyaṃ sugatipanthānamapi viśodhayituṃ kutaḥ punaranuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃboddhum / tasyaitadabhūt - yannvahamita eva prāsādātprāṅbhukhaḥ prapateyam, mā me dvāreṇa niṣkramato jñātisaṃgho 'ntarāyaṃ kuryāt //




1. 340 “Rāṣṭrapāla, once young prince Puṇyaraśmi had heard this praise of the Buddha, Dharma, and Saṅgha, he was contented, happy, delighted, and overjoyed. Happiness and mental pleasure were born in him.

1. 341 “Then, Rāṣṭrapāla, young prince Puṇyaraśmi thought the following: “ ‘What is the Buddha, the Bhagavān, like? What is the excellent Saṅgha like? What is the Dharma that he revealed like? What are his excellent disciples like, so that they realize how saṃsāra is frightful and antagonistic; how in saṃsāra, childish ordinary beings are ungrateful; how the view that the aggregates are a person is frightful; how household life has many drawbacks; how passions have many faults; how recklessness is condemned by the learned ones; how the darkness of ignorance brings delusion; [F.250.b] how formative predispositions are difficult to realize; how the mind is difficult to tame; how mind and matter are profound; how the six sense fields are not reliable; how, when sensory contact is not thoroughly understood, suffering will ripen; how sensations have all sorts of drawbacks; how becoming is a true fetter; 107 how it is difficult to escape from appropriation; how craving for worldly existence is not noble; how, when there is worldly existence, the continuity of birth is difficult to terminate; how old age 108 brings change; how sickness causes destruction; how one is not protected after death; how the transition stage is abhorrent; how the emergence into existence has many drawbacks; and how the teaching of the Tathāgata is delightful.

1. 342 “ ‘These realizations are not possible for those who are slaves to desire, impaired by afflictions, deluded, and hardhearted, who take pleasure in recklessness, who live among fools, who have improper thoughts and thoughts attached to saṃsāra, and who reside among pernicious men. And if they are not even able to fully practice the path to higher realms, how could they realize unsurpassable, completely perfect enlightenment?’

1. 343 “He thought, ‘If I left through the door, the assembly of my kinsmen would prevent me. Therefore, I will jump from the upper roof of the palace.’