No. 186 佛說普曜經(一名方等本起),西晉月氏三藏竺法護譯
No. 187 方廣大莊嚴經(一名神通遊戲),大唐天竺三藏地婆訶羅奉詔譯
3. Lalitavistara, Based on the ed. by P.L. Vaidya, Darbhanga: The Mithila Institute, 1958
(Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, 1)
4. 藏—英譯
iti hi bhikṣavo devanāgayakṣagandharvaiścāyamevaṃrūpo niścayābhiprāyaścintito 'bhūd vyavasitaśca / bodhisattvasyaivaṃ dharmacintānupraviṣṭasya saṃgītiprāsādeṣu sukhaśayanagatasya antaḥpuramadhyagatasya pūrvabuddhacarita vicintayataḥ sarvasattvahitamanucintayataścatvāri pūrvapraṇidhānapadānyāmukhībhavanti sma / katamāni catvāri? pūrvaṃ mayā svayaṃbhuvāmādhipateyatāmabhilaṣatā sarvajñatāṃ prārthayamānenaivaṃ saṃnāhaḥ saṃnaddho 'bhūt - sattvān duḥkhitān dṛṣṭā aho batāhaṃ saṃsāramahācārakabandhanaprakṣiptasya lokasaṃniveśasya saṃsāracārakaṃ bhittvā bandhanapramokṣaśabdaṃ codīrayeyaṃ tṛṣṇayā sanigaḍagāḍhabandhanabaddhāṃśca sattvān pramocayeyam / idaṃ prathamaṃ pūrvapraṇidhānapadamāmukhībhavati sma // aho batāhaṃ saṃsāramahāvidyāndhakāragahanaprakṣiptasya lokasyājñānapaṭalatimirāvṛtanayanasya prajñācakṣurvirahitasyāvidyāmohāndhakārasya mahāntaṃ dharmālokaṃ kuryām / jñānapradīpaṃ copasaṃhareyam / trivimokṣasukhajñānavatauṣadhisaṃprayogeṇa copāyaprajñājñānasaṃprayuktena sarvāvidyāndhakāratamohataṃ mahattimirapaṭalakāluṣyamapanīya prajñācakṣurviśodhayeyam / idaṃ dvitīyaṃ pūrvapraṇidhānapadamāmukhībhavati sma // aho batāhaṃ mānadhvajocchritasya lokasyāhaṃkāramamakārābhiniviṣṭasyātmanīyagrāhānugamānasasya saṃjñācittadṛṣṭiviparyāsaviparyastasyāsaṃgrahagṛhītasyāryamārgopadeśenāsmimānadhvajaprapātanaṃ kuryām / itīdaṃ tṛtīyaṃ pūrvapraṇidhānapadamāmukhībhavati sma / aho batāhaṃ vyupaśāntasya lokasya tandrākulajātasya guṇāvaguṇṭhitabhūtasyājavaṃjavasamāpannasyāsmāllokāt paraṃ lokaṃ paralokādimaṃ lokaṃ saṃghāvataḥ saṃsarataḥ saṃsārādabhinivṛttasyālātacakrasamārūḍhasyopaśamikaṃ prajñātṛptikaraṃ dharmaṃ saṃprakāśayeyam / itīdaṃ caturthaṃ pūrvapraṇidhānapadamāmukhībhavati sma / imāni catvāri pūrvapraṇidhānapadānyāmukhībhavanti sma // |
186:如是,比丘!天、龍、鬼神、揵沓和等,心常懷願,欲得聽省菩薩正道所思惟法,慕樂安隱入於宮內,思念過去諸佛所行,愍傷眾生,本行道時,不捨四願以至純淑。何謂為四: 1)本學道時設我成正覺,逮一切智被弘誓鎧,眾生困厄救眾惱患,吾當濟脫生老病死三界之縛,猗在世俗周旋眾難,使至寂然,令無恩愛,是第一願。 2)眾生沒在無明窈冥,悉無所知,愚癡闇昧生穢濁樹;當為顯示如清淨眼,內外無限,是第二願。 3)眾生在世立自大幢,常計吾我而意貪身,尊己賤彼心存顛倒,處諸邪見無常,不慕聖道,墮於三業;皆當開化令入正真,是第三願。 4)眾生沒在生死之患,輪轉無際滅智慧根,迷惑五趣不能自濟;當為說法令得度脫,是為四願。吾往古時立是四願,今已得之,不可違捨,以故出家,成就正覺度脫十方。 |
187:爾時,菩薩於音樂殿中端坐思惟:過去諸佛皆發四種微妙大願。何等為四? 一者願我未來自證法性,於法自在得為法王,以精進智救拔一切牢獄愛縛苦惱眾生,皆令解脫。 二者有諸眾生癭此生死黑暗稠林,患彼愚癡無明翳目,以空、無相、無願為燈為藥,破諸暗惑除其重障,成就如是方便智門。 三者有諸眾生竪憍慢幢起我我所,心想見倒虛妄執著,為說法令其解悟。 四者見諸眾生處不寂靜,三世流轉如旋火輪,亦如團絲自纏自繞,為彼說法令其縛解。如是四種廣大誓願正念現前。 |
Monks, then all the gods, nāgas, yakṣas, and gandharvas set out to do what they had promised.
In the meanwhile the Bodhisattva’s mind was on the Dharma. He was resting comfortably in the music hall, surrounded by his ladies. As he reflected on the conduct of past buddhas and the way to benefit all sentient beings, he was thinking about four aspiration prayers that he had formed in the past:
“Previously I wished to become a self-appearing lord and pursue omniscience. At that time I donned the armor of the following fourfold resolve. First: “I have seen how sentient beings suffer. So may I free and liberate those who are bound to the world and caught in the prison of cyclic existence. May I liberate sentient beings from the tight shackles and chains of craving.”
Such was his first aspiration prayer from the past. [F.102.a] [205] Next he thought of his second aspiration prayer from the past: “May I shine the light of Dharma for those who are thrown deep into the darkness of great ignorance within the world—for the people whose eyes are obscured by the cataract of ignorance, who lack the eye of wisdom, and who are blind with ignorance and delusion. May I raise the lamp of wisdom, which destroys the darkness for those who are blinded by ignorance. May I apply the medicine of the three gateways to liberation—the remedy that employs means, wisdom, and knowledge. May I remove the darkness of ignorance and all cataracts and faults of dullness, and in this way purify their wisdom eye.”
Then the Bodhisattva thought of his third aspiration prayer from the past: “Alas, this world has raised the banner of pride and egotism. It is obsessed with clinging to ‘I’ and ‘mine.’ People’s minds grasp at the self, and false notions of a self distort their views. May I bring down this banner of pride that thinks ‘I am’ by showing them the noble path.”
Finally the Bodhisattva thought of his fourth aspiration prayer from the past: “Alas, this world is not at peace because of the self. The world is continually disturbed and is like a tangled mass of cords. Beings come and go. They always move and circle back and forth between this world and the next. Their spinning around knows no end and resembles a firebrand’s circle. May I show them the Dharma of tranquility, which brings fulfillment through knowledge.”