1.Rastrapalapariprccha (=RP)
2.No. 170佛說德光太子經,西晉月氏國三藏竺法護譯
3.No. 310-18大寶積經卷第八十,隋三藏法師闍那崛多譯,護國菩薩會第一十八
4.No. 321佛說護國尊者所問大乘經,西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿傳法大師臣施護奉詔譯
5.藏譯英 https://read.84000.co/translation/toh62.html
bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat - caturbhī rāṣṭrapāla dharmaiḥ samanvāgato bodhisattvo mahāsattva etāṃ pariśuddhiṃ pratilabhate / katamaiś caturbhiḥ ? yaduta ārāgādhyāśaya-pratipattyā sarva-sattva-sama-cittatayā śūnyatābhāvanatayā yathāvāditathākāritayā / ebhī rāṣṭrapāla catir bhirdharmaiḥ samanvāgato bodhisattvo mahāsattva etāṃ pariśuddhiṃ pratilabhate / iyam atra dharmatā // |
170:佛言:賴吒和羅!菩薩有四事法,得清淨行。何等為四?一者、行平等心,而無諛諂;二者、等心於一切;三者、解了空行;四者、如口所言,身行亦爾;是為四事法,菩薩疾得清淨行。 |
310-18:佛言:護國!菩薩有四法,能成如上清淨之事。何等為四?一者真實心無諂曲,二者於諸眾生行於平等,三者心念行空,四者如言而行。護國當知,如此四種能得菩薩清淨之法。 |
321:爾時,世尊告尊者護國言:有四種法,具足清淨是名菩薩摩訶薩。何等四法?一、內,二、外,三、心,四、意。如是四法稱理真實,見諸眾生其心平等——猶若虛空,無所分別——依言所行,是名菩薩摩訶薩四種之法獲得清淨。 |
1. 62 “Rāṣṭrapāla, a bodhisattva mahāsattva endowed with four qualities attains the following types of purity. What are these four? They are making efforts in accordance with beings’ aspirations and highest intent, being impartial toward all sentient beings, meditating on emptiness, and acting just as one speaks. Rāṣṭrapāla, if bodhisattva mahāsattvas are endowed with these four qualities, they will attain purity.
1) tatredam ucyate -
āśayena hi sadābhiyuktakā bodhimārga avivartyamānasāḥ /
no ca śāṭhya na khilaṃ na māyatā teṣu vidyati anantajñāninām // 49 //
This is how it is. In this regard, the following is said:
1. 63 “Those endowed with infinite wisdom Always possess diligence out of sincere intentions. Having a mind that does not turn away from the path to enlightenment, They are neither deceitful, nor rigid, nor deceptive. {49}
2) dṛṣṭva sattva dukhitān anāyakān jāti-vyādhi-jara-mṛtyu-marditān /
tāraṇārtha bhavato * * jagat dharma-nāva samudānayanti te // 50 //
1. 64 “Seeing the suffering of beings without a protector, Afflicted by birth, sickness, old age, and death, They excellently prepare a Dharma boat To rescue sentient beings from the ocean of existence. {50}
3) sarva-sattva-samacitta sūratā eka-putrakavad īkṣate jagat /
sarvam etad api mocayāmy aham evamāśaya tathāgra-pudgalāḥ // 51 //
1. 65 “Gentle ones with equanimity toward all sentient beings Look at beings as if they were their only son; ‘I will free all of them’ — Such is the intention of supreme persons. {51}
4) śūnyatāsu satataṃ gatiṃ gata naiva cātma na ca sattva vidyate /
svapna-māya-sadṛśaṃ hi saṃskṛtam atra bāla abudho vimohitā // 52 //
1. 66 “They always perfectly understand emptiness, That there is neither self nor sentient being, And that the conditioned is like an illusion or a dream. The childish, not being skilled, are confused about these things. {52}
5) vācayā yatha vadanti te budhās tatra caiva pratipattiyā sthitāḥ /
dānta śānta sada doṣa-varjitā bodhisattva-mārga-niratā jinātmajāḥ // 53 //
1. 67 “The skilled ones strive, And fully abide by what they say. The sons of the victorious ones are always tamed, peaceful, without faults, And delighted in the path to enlightenment. {53} [F.232.b]