1.Rastrapalapariprccha (=RP)
2.No. 170佛說德光太子經,西晉月氏國三藏竺法護譯
3.No. 310-18大寶積經卷第八十,隋三藏法師闍那崛多譯,護國菩薩會第一十八
4.No. 321佛說護國尊者所問大乘經,西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿傳法大師臣施護奉詔譯
5.藏譯英 https://read.84000.co/translation/toh62.html
catvāra ime rāṣṭrapāla bodhisattvānām āśvāsa-pratilābhā dharmāḥ / katame catvāraḥ ? dhāraṇī pratilābhaḥ kalyāṇa-mitra-pratilābhaḥ gambhīra-dharma-kṣānti-pratilābhaḥ pariśuddha-śīla-samācāratā / ime rāṣṭrapāla catvāri bodhisattvānām āśvāsapratilābhā dharmāḥ / iyam atra dharmatā // |
170:佛告賴吒和羅:菩薩復有四事法,得安隱勸進。何等為四?一者、得總持;二者、得善知識;三者、得法忍;四者、於戒清淨,所行平等;是為四事法。 |
310-18:佛說偈已,告護國菩薩言:善男子!菩薩摩訶薩復有四種無畏之法。何等為四?一者所謂得陀羅尼,二者值善知識,三者得深法忍,四者戒行清淨。是名菩薩四無畏法。 |
321:爾時,世尊說此頌已,告尊者護國言:復有四種法於諸菩薩令心安慰。何等四法?一者、於總持法門志求修學;二者、常近善友,威儀無缺;三者、求證甚深無生法忍;四者、精進修行持戒清淨。如是四法令彼菩薩安慰其心,進修不退。 |
1. 68 “Rāṣṭrapāla, there are four reassurances for bodhisattvas. What are these four? They are attaining retention, finding a spiritual friend, being receptive to the profound Dharma, and the correct application of completely pure discipline. Raṣṭrapāla, these four are the reassurances for bodhisattvas. This is how it is. About that, it is said:
1) tatredam ucyate -
lābhino bhavanti dhāraṇīṣu te sadā mahāyaśā
dhārayanti yena dharma śreṣṭha sarva-buddha-bhāṣitam /
1. 69 “Those of great renown possess retention, By which they behold the supreme Dharma that all buddhas have proclaimed.
2) na ca praṇāśayanti jātu bhūyu vardhate rati
asaṅgam eva teṣu jñāna sarva-dharma-pāragāḥ // 54 //
Because they never lose it, their intellect increases. They possess wisdom, lack attachment, and have mastered all qualities. {54}
3) kalyāṇamitram āpnuvanti bodhi aṅga-vardhakā
deśayanti śreṣṭha mārga tasya yena yānti nāyakāḥ /
na kvacic ca te bhavanti pāpamitrasevakā
dūrato vivarjayanti te 'gnivac ca dāhanātmakān // 55 // (Vaidya, RP 126)
1. 70 “They have found a spiritual friend who causes the branches of enlightenment to grow. The guides show them the supreme path for progress. They do not attend to nefarious friends But turn far away from them like from a scorching fire. {55}
4) gambhīra dharma śrutva dhīra śūnyatopasaṃhitaṃ
na cātm-asattva-jīva-dṛṣṭi teṣu bhonti sarvaśaḥ /
acchidra-śīla te bhavanti śānta-dānta-mānasā
anuttare ca buddha-śīli sa tva tāṃ niyojayet // 56 //
1. 71 “Once the heroes have heard the profound teaching on emptiness, They never generate any view of a self, a sentient being, or a life force. Their discipline is faultless, and they are endowed with a tame and peaceful mind. Living beings are encouraged to take up the unsurpassable discipline of the Buddha as well. {56}