1.Rastrapalapariprccha (=RP)
2.No. 170佛說德光太子經,西晉月氏國三藏竺法護譯
3.No. 310-18大寶積經卷第八十,隋三藏法師闍那崛多譯,護國菩薩會第一十八
4.No. 321佛說護國尊者所問大乘經,西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿傳法大師臣施護奉詔譯
5.藏譯英 https://read.84000.co/translation/toh62.html
catvāra ime rāṣṭrapāla bodhisattvānāṃ prapātāḥ / katame catvāraḥ ? agauravatā rāṣṭrapāla bodhisattvānāṃ prapātaḥ / akṛtajñatā śāṭhyasevanatā rāṣṭrapāla bodhisattvānāṃ prapātaḥ / lābhasatkārādhyavasānaṃ rāṣṭrapāla bodhisattvānāṃ prapātaḥ / kuhanalapanatayā lābhasatkāraniṣpādanaṃ rāṣṭrapāla bodhisattvānāṃ prapātaḥ / ime rāṣṭrapāla bodhisattvānāṃ catvāraḥ prapātāḥ // |
170:佛告賴吒和羅:菩薩有四事法,自墮落。何等為四?一者、菩薩憍慢而不恭敬,為自墮落;二者、菩薩作無反復習於諛諂,為自墮落;三者、菩薩求供養貪利,為自墮落;四者、菩薩佞諂邪行求於供養,為自墮落;是為四事法,菩薩為自墮落。 |
310-18:佛說偈已,復告護國:菩薩有四種墮落之法。何等為四?一者不恭敬他,二者背恩諂曲,三者多求利養名聞,四者詐善揚德。是為四種墮落之法。 |
321:爾時,世尊說此頌已,告尊者護國言:復有四種法,於諸菩薩而為難法。何等四法?一者、心不尊重,多行輕慢;二者、心無孝行,懈怠背逆;三者、心貪利養,少於知足;四者、心樂虛妄,邪求財利。如是四法為菩薩難法。 |
1. 102 “Rāṣṭrapāla, there are four pitfalls for bodhisattvas. What are these four? Rāṣṭrapāla, disrespect is a pitfall for bodhisattvas. Rāṣṭrapāla, being ungrateful and dishonest is a pitfall for bodhisattvas. Rāṣṭrapāla, attachment to gain and honor is a pitfall for bodhisattvas. Rāṣṭrapāla, obtaining gain and honor by means of hypocrisy and flattery is a pitfall for bodhisattvas. Rāṣṭrapāla, these four are the pitfalls for bodhisattvas.”
1)atha khalu bhagavāṃs tasyā velāyām imā gāthā abhāṣata -
nityam agaurava te hi bhavanti āryaguruṣv api mātṛ-pitṛṣu /
akṛtajña śaṭhāś ca bhavanti nityam asaṃyata-cāriṇa mūḍhāḥ // 82 //
1. 103 Then, the Bhagavān uttered the following verses: “They never have respect For the noble gurus or their parents. They are ungrateful and dishonest; Never curbing their behavior, they are deluded. {82}
2)adhyavasānaparāḥ sada lābhe te kuhaśāṭhyāprayogaratāś ca /
kaścid apīha samo mama nāsti vakṣyati śīlaguṇeṣu kathaṃ cit // 83 //
1. 104 “Always being attached and clinging to gain, They enjoy cheating and dishonesty. Those who keep moral observances in any way they like Say, ‘There is no one like me!’ {83}
3)te ca parasparam eva ca dviṣṭā chidra-gaveṣaṇa-nitya-prayuktāḥ /
kṛṣi-karma-vaṇijya-ratāś ca śravaṇā (śramaṇā) hi sudūrata teṣām // 84 //
1. 105 “They are hostile toward each other; Always eager to find faults. They rejoice in farming and trading. They are very far away from having the qualities of an ascetic. {84}
4)evam asaṃyata paścimakāle bhikṣava śīlag-uṇeṣu sudūre /
te 'ntara hāpayiṣyanti madharmaṃ (maddharmaṃ ?) bhaṇḍanavigraha īrṣyavaśena // 85 //
1. 106 “Not restraining themselves in this manner in the future, They will be very far away from the qualities of a monk’s discipline. By exposing faults out of rancor and jealousy, They will cause the Dharma to decline. {85}
5)bodhipathād api nitya sudūre āryadhanād api te ca sudūre /
mokṣa-pathaṃ ca vihāya praṇītaṃ pañcasu te gatiṣu bhamiṣyanti // 86 //
1. 107 “They are always very far from the path to enlightenment. They are very far from the treasure of the noble ones. Having abandoned the excellent noble path, They will wander in the five realms of existence.” {86}