2022年2月1日 星期二


1.No. 721正法念處經,元魏婆羅門瞿曇般若流支譯

2.藏譯英The Application of Mindfulness of the Sacred Dharma, Saddharma smṛtyupasthāna https://read.84000.co/translation/toh287.html.



4.C. -1981 “Commanding the full attention of the gods, the Blessed One will then say, ‘Monks, what is this Dharma teaching called The Joy of Divine Beings? Those who enter and adhere to the following twelve divine paths will safely reach the divine abodes. For example, when people follow a royal highway, they may travel free from fears and worries. Without experiencing any injury and free from any physical, verbal, or mental weariness and fatigue, they arrive safely at their destination. Similarly, holy beings who carefully follow these twelve paths will reach the heavenly worlds. What are the twelve paths?


4.C. -1982 “ ‘The first path is the path of truth. Musulundha, there are five benefits related to truth. Those who speak the truth will be trusted by all beings, [F.304.b] they will always be influential, their faces will always be pure, their complexions will always be pure, and the gods will never revile them. Those are results that they experience in their present lives. Then, when their bodies disintegrate, they will be born among the gods in the joyous higher realms.’


4.C. -1983“At this point, the Blessed One will utter this verse: “ ‘Those who tell the truth are always disciplined. Surrounded by gods, They will be happy in the world And will later find joy in the heavenly realms.


4.C. -1984“ ‘Musulundha, this is the first path leading to the higher realms.


4.C. -1985 “ ‘Musulundha, the second path leading to the higher realms consists in practicing an uncorrupted form of generosity, being free from wrongdoings, not indulging in cyclic existence, and practicing wholesome thought. Those who maintain wholesome conduct by following this path will be born into the heavenly worlds. In short, there are three benefits related to generosity: those who practice generosity will live in harmony with worldly beings, they will experience mental happiness because they always train their minds, and they will be wealthy in the future. This is the second path leading to the heavenly worlds.’

此有偈言:布施人所愛,亦復增長恩,後時生天富,布施果如是。 cf. Dhs.22.32

4.C. -1986“At this point, the Blessed One will utter this verse: “ ‘Those who practice generosity live in harmony with others. They experience mental satisfaction And will enjoy wealth in the future. Such are the results of generosity.


4.C. -1987 “ ‘Musulundha, the third path leading to the higher realms is patience. Those who cultivate patience will experience the following benefits. They will be free from strife, disputes, and wars —this is the first benefit. Also, no one will be able to rob them of their wealth, and they will live in harmony with all beings. When their bodies disintegrate, they will be born in the joyous higher realms.

此有偈言:忍辱相應行,悲心亦不怖,一切人所愛,身壞得生天。cf. Dhs.21.24

4.C. -1988“ ‘There is also a verse about this: [F.305.a] “ ‘Those who cultivate patient conduct Will have friends and not be afraid of anything. They will live in harmony within this world And will later enjoy themselves in the god realms.


4.C. - 1989 “ ‘Musulundha, the fourth path leading to the higher realms consists in speaking pleasant words. Six benefits derive from speaking pleasant words. Pleasant words make everyone happy, and those who speak pleasant words will have no fear, they will always enjoy pleasures, they will be serene, they will be free from anxiety, and others will serve them. Those are the six benefits.


4.C. -1990“ ‘There is also a verse about speaking pleasant words: “ ‘Those who speak pleasant words will delight worldly beings, Their fame will increase in this life, They will have an attractive appearance, And they will reach the heavenly worlds.


4.C. - 1991 “ ‘Musulundha, the fifth path leading to the heavenly worlds consists in loving concern for everyone. Those who are filled with love will reach the transcendence of suffering. Each day of their lives, they will be surrounded by boundless retinues and possess immeasurable qualities.

此有偈言:於一切眾生,悲心如父母,彼人憐愍寶,常在心中住。cf. Dhs.21.25

4.C. -1992“ ‘There is also a verse about this: “ ‘The jewel of compassion Causes them to always regard worldly beings As their own parents. This supreme quality will be present in their minds.


4.C. -1993 “ ‘Musulundha, by following the sixth divine path, beings will encounter the sights of the heavenly parks. Beings who rest within a state of mental equipoise will engage in wholesome activities, develop wholesome thoughts, and speak wholesome words. These, in short, are the benefits related to mental equipoise.

此有偈言:若善正心者,常順法觀察,不為過所使,如日光除闇。cf. Dhs.11.56

4.C. -1994“ ‘There is also a verse about this: “ ‘Those who rest within a state of mental equipoise Always observe the Dharma. They will not fall under the sway of wrongdoings, Just as there can be no darkness when the sun is shining. [F.305.b]


4.C. -1995 “ ‘Musulundha, settling the mind within a state of equipoise is the root of all virtues.


4.C. -1996 “ ‘Musulundha, there is also a seventh divine path through which beings will reach the heavenly worlds. Those who observe an authentic view will attain the transcendence of suffering, so there is no need to mention that they will also reach the heavenly worlds. Every single activity they engage in with body, speech, and mind, even the most insignificant ones, is always beneficial and directed toward the realization of the transcendence of suffering. Such beings will be born in the heavenly worlds.

此有偈言:唯正見為勝,隨何人有心,俗人亦如是,得脫生死縛。cf. Dhs.11.57

4.C. -1997“ ‘There is also a verse about this: “ ‘Know that those in whom The most excellent authentic view has arisen Will be free from the bondage of cyclic existence, Even if they are householders.


4.C. - 1998 “ ‘Musulundha, the eighth divine path consists in abandoning unwholesome company. In short, this will prevent the following three faults. Those who give up unwholesome company will not abandon sublime beings. They will be trusted by such beings who will think, “They are following the same training as us.” This will also prevent special faults from occurring.

此有偈言:近惡知識者,彼則不得樂;近惡知識已,廣得不饒益。cf. Dhs.15.40-41

4.C. -1999“ ‘There is also a verse about this: “ ‘Those who do not associate with unwholesome friends Will have the fortune of happiness. Following unwholesome friends is the worst Among all kinds of inappropriate behavior.


4.C. -2000 “ ‘Musulundha, the ninth divine path consists in listening to the sacred Dharma. In short, there are seven benefits derived from listening to the sacred Dharma. Those who have not heard the Dharma will be instructed, the knowledge of those who have heard the Dharma will increase, and those beings will abandon every negative action of ordinary beings, they will become naturally inclined to follow the example of noble beings, sincere faith in the Buddha will repeatedly arise in their minds, their lifespans will increase, and [F.306.a] when their bodies disintegrate, they will be born among the gods.

此有偈言:未聞者得聞,已聞者堅固,捨離諸惡業,身壞得生天。cf. Dhs.15.42-43

4.C. -2001“ ‘There is also a verse about this: “ ‘Beings who have not heard the Dharma will be instructed,The knowledge of those who have heard the Dharma will be reinforced, Negative actions will be given up, And in the future they will be born among the gods.


4.C. -2002 “ ‘Musulundha, the tenth divine path consists in cultivating a gentle mind. There are four benefits related to this. One will not become angry. In the unlikely event that one should become angry, one’s anger will not persist. One will not harm others out of hostility. When one’s body disintegrates, one will be born among the gods.

此有偈言:若善淨無垢,諸過不著心,瞋垢不能污,死後得生天。cf. Dhs.11.58

4.C. -2003 “ ‘There is also a verse about this: “ ‘Those whose minds are virtuous and flawless Will never be harmed by anger; They will not be polluted by covetousness, And they will be born in the divine worlds.


4.C. -2004 “ ‘Musulundha, the eleventh divine path consists in developing the power of trust in the way causal actions produce effects. Beings who have done so will abandon all negative actions and will shun even the smallest wrongdoing. They are aware of the consequences of wholesome and unwholesome actions. They do not perpetuate conditioned phenomena. Because they have familiarized themselves with wholesome actions, they will, upon the disintegration of their bodies, join the gods in the joyous higher realms.

此有偈言:若知業果者,常見微細義,彼惡所不染,如空泥不污。cf. Dhs.15.41-42

4.C. -2005 “ ‘There is also a verse about this: “ ‘Those who understand the ripening effects of actions Are always mindful of even the smallest actions. They will be unsullied by negativities Like lotuses growing in a muddy swamp.


4.C. -2006 “ ‘Musulundha, those who enter this twelfth path that leads to the higher realms will be born in the worlds of the gods; this path consists in cultivating unmistaken and sincere faith in the Three Jewels. There are hundreds of benefits related to this, [F.306.b] so this beneficial path outshines and surpasses all the others. It is luminous and resplendent. Beings on this path will perfect the transcendence of suffering. Before that happens, they will experience the pleasures of gods and humans. By following this twelfth path, humans or gods who are free from the influence of carelessness will journey to the higher realms. On the other hand, careless beings will fail to achieve either mundane or supramundane happiness. Musulundha, the Dharma that the sage of the past, Kanakamuni, taught to Saumya, lord of the Heaven Free from Strife, is the very same Dharma that all the thus-gone ones teach. You have received it correctly from those very senior gods.

此有偈言:深心信三寶,無量數勤修,於先得生天,終得涅槃果。cf. Dhs.31.26

4.C. -2007 “ ‘There is also a verse about this: “ ‘Those who have sincere faith in the Three Jewels Will enjoy abundant fortunate effects in the future. Before transcending suffering, They will be born in the higher realms.
