2022年2月15日 星期二


1.No. 721正法念處經,元魏婆羅門瞿曇般若流支譯

2.藏譯英The Application of Mindfulness of the Sacred Dharma, Saddharma smṛtyupasthāna https://read.84000.co/translation/toh287.html.



4.C. -3569 “Recalling his previous births, the king of the garuḍas will then bring to mind a discourse he heard in the presence of the blessed Krakucchanda. For a short while, he will remain silent, and then he will begin to teach:


4.C. -3570 “ ‘Listen, gods. Five factors are despicable, because they cause carelessness and are unacceptable flaws in any god or human. What are these five?


4.C. -3571 “ ‘First, the careless who act carelessly may in their distraction say one thing while thinking another. Such people are useless in their activities, which are without meaning. They confuse the order of things, and they cannot focus their minds on anything. Why is that? Because carelessness makes their distracted minds unable to understand. They wonder, “What shall I say, how shall I say it, and to whom shall I speak?” In this way, their minds remain distracted and unstable, no matter who they are speaking to. They are fickle, gullible, and make for unpleasant company. Others will rebuke them and, like grass in the wind, they bow to everyone. Such is the first among the flaws that bind the careless and lead them to birth in any of the three lower realms. This is the first flaw of the careless. [F.212.b]


4.C. -3572 “ ‘There is also a second flaw of carelessness. What is that? Not knowing what is needed and what is not needed. Those whose minds are spoiled by carelessness do not understand that. They wonder, “What constitutes a good action? And which actions should one refrain from? What effects ripen from such actions?” In this way, they comprehend neither karmic actions nor their ripening. They are deluded about karmic actions and their effects and, when their bodies disintegrate, the flaws of their carelessness will make them suffer an inauspicious fall into the lower realms, where they are born in the hells.


4.C. -3573 “ ‘There is also a third flaw of carelessness, which both gods and humans swayed by carelessness suffer from: keeping company with wicked friends, that is to say, companions who do not serve the Three Jewels, who are not pursuing insight and discipline, who do not follow spiritual masters, who do not understand the difference between good qualities and flaws, who fail to understand the suffering of cyclic existence, who fail to understand the character of diverse karmic actions, and who are disinclined to give up sleep and muster diligence in the evening and early morning. When such people die, the flaws of their carelessness will make them suffer an inauspicious fall into the lower realms, and they shall be born in hell.


4.C. -3574 “ ‘There is also a fourth flaw of carelessness. What is that? For humans and gods who are born in this way, there comes a point at which the formations for their lives and their positive karmic actions are exhausted. That is the point at which the Lord of Death arrives and all the things that those careless beings have relied on will be taken from them. They will simultaneously lose four things. What are they? Youth, health, life force, and fine circumstances. [F.213.a] Those four must be abandoned all at once. Even the learned cannot extend them, and the careless certainly cannot hold on to them. Since carelessness is one’s enemy, one should never indulge in it. Anyone taken in by carelessness, be they gods or humans, will be destroyed. Therefore, it must be relinquished.


4.C. - 3575“ ‘There is also a fifth flaw of the careless. What is that? Putting one’s trust in a source of terror —and there is no greater source of terror and no one more untrustworthy than women. Still, miserable people who are swayed by carelessness place their trust in women. Moreover, whenever there are some that they do not trust, they will hide that in their heart for as long as they are alive. Just as fire is always hot, women are born with minds that are flawed by pretense, craving, deceit, offensiveness, pride, disgracefulness, and ingratitude. And still, those miserable people that are carried away by carelessness are overcome merely by the words of women, and thus they put their trust in them. When that happens, they develop yearning and their minds become aroused.


4.C. -3576 “ ‘In short, those who are lost in carelessness have five great flaws. When further discerned, there are infinitely many. Therefore, whether you are gods or humans, apply yourselves diligently so that you may give up carelessness! Carelessness bolts the door to the transcendence of suffering. [F.213.b] By resorting to, becoming habituated to, and increasing carelessness, one ends up in hell. Those who remain careless will also be born as starving spirits or animals.


4.C. - 3577 “ ‘Being careful, on the other hand, involves five qualities that are praised by the careful. What are those five?


4.C. -3578 “ ‘First, such a person will have carefully guarded conduct, an excellently composed mind, mental equipoise while carrying out activities, helpfulness in all regards, and relinquishment of carelessness as if it were poison. This will be recognized during the three times. 475 This is the first among the qualities of those fond of carefulness.


4.C. -3579 “ ‘Those fond of carefulness also possess a second quality. What is that? Understanding the weight of karmic action. Following holy people, they perform their activities with knowledge of karmic actions and their effects. They do not follow unholy people, nor do they engage in any inferior actions. They give up any actions that are subject to criticism and due to which flaws are observed. Instead, they pursue those acts that carry observable good qualities. In this way, those who possess good qualities and a fine understanding of good qualities will not incur anything unwholesome.


4.C. - 3580 “ ‘Those who give up carelessness and practice carefulness also possess a third quality. What is that? Not falling under the sway of women, even at the cost of their lives. Such people will not trust the words of women. They always take into account the nature of women. Women are a source of bondage in this world as well as the next, and, with that understanding, such people do not allow the appearance of women to confuse them and do not place any trust in what they say. Their understanding is in perfect accordance with reality and they are not led astray by the dances, songs, poses, or ornaments of women. In this way, careful and thoughtful people do not become involved with such ways of carelessness. [F.214.a] Even their retinue becomes restrained, and they too are not led astray by women. They also encourage others to practice such relinquishment and carefulness.


4.C. -3581 “ ‘There is also a fourth quality of carefulness. What is that? Those who are careful are not concerned with enjoyments or pleasures. Every once in a rare while, they may take some satisfaction from pleasures, but they do not constantly think about pleasures, or concern themselves with them, because pleasures are in no way permanent, reliable, or trustworthy. Rather, they lead to decline and are subject to imminent destruction. Similarly, the careful do not put their trust in good health because those who are free from disease are all eventually overcome by illness. Neither do they place any trust in youth because youth is always conquered by aging. Hence, they do not try to maintain their youthfulness and do not develop any conceit based on youth. Likewise, they do not work at staying alive, nor do they become excited or go through hardships to stay alive. Why not? Because the Lord of Death is going to take the lives of everyone. Hence, those who practice carefulness do not indulge in such things. They do not become careless with regard to conditioned phenomena.


4.C. -3582 “ ‘Those who carefully practice carefulness also possess another set of five qualities. What are they? Learning, following noble beings, delighting in wakefulness, respecting the Three Jewels, and developing skill in discerning the subject matter they learn. Hence, they remain aware of the time of the Lord of Death. They also recognize the marks of suffering and death. They comprehend the signs of a god’s death and transmigration on the basis of what they have heard. [F.214.b] They understand the omens of a person’s impending death and passage to the lower realms and thereby recognize that they too are heading for the lower realms. They also understand what is to be done. They develop strong faith. As soon as such a frame of mind arises, the signs of going to the lower realms fade and instead signs of going to the higher realms appear. Such are the supreme effects of carefulness — effects that overcome even the most painful bondage. Such are the five flaws of carelessness and the five qualities of carefulness.’



4.C. -3583 “At this point, Auspicious Time will recite these verses of Krakucchanda: “ ‘The careful who give up pleasures Are praised by the buddhas, Whereas the careless languish In the trap of old age and death.

不放逸解脫,放逸故受苦,此放逸繫縛,愚者不能斷。cf. Dhs.6.147-153

4.C. -3584 “ ‘The careless are not free; The careless are destined to suffer. Those dying in carelessness Will have their vulgar minds cut short.


4.C. - 3585 “ ‘The careful will journey To the divine realms of virtue, Whereas those who live carelessly Will once again fall.


4.C. -3586 “ ‘Careless beings will not Be freed from cyclic existence. Such corporeal beings are bound By the ropes of carelessness.


4.C. - 3587 “ ‘To them, the pointless appears meaningful, And the meaningful always appears pointless. Those who lack carefulness Misperceive everything.


4.C. - 3588 “ ‘They fail even in terms of worldly matters, So how could they achieve the definitive good? The wise go beyond such a state of mind And have no praise for carelessness.



4.C. -3589 “ ‘Therefore, people should not indulge in carelessness Because it is the foremost harbinger of the lower realms. Giving up the suffering of wandering through a thousand lives, The steadfast proceed to the supreme beyond.’


4.C. -3590 “In this way, Auspicious Time will teach the Dharma before Musulundha and his retinue of a hundred thousand gods, for he pursues what is beneficial and wishes to benefit gods and humans.


4.C. -3591 “The king of the garuḍas will then continue his teaching of the supreme Dharma to Musulundha: [F.215.a] ‘There are five remedies against carelessness. First, careless people suffer more than others. Each of the flaws of carelessness is a source of suffering. However, when one understands that carelessness is flawed, one will give it up. Those who are able to distinguish between good qualities and flaws —who can tell a good quality from what is not —will give up carelessness. Hence, what they do will not be meaningless, and they will not suffer. There will be no increase of unvirtuous actions and they will live conscientiously. That is one remedy for carelessness.


4.C. -3592 “ ‘What is the second remedy for carelessness? Seeing things as they really are. People who see things as they truly are will have a complete understanding and see reality as it is. Those who know reality comprehend the flaws of carelessness and cannot be led astray by carelessness.


4.C. - 3593 “ ‘The third remedy for carelessness is this: associating with those who are fond of carefulness —observing discipline in their presence, considering one’s conduct, training in the proper deeds of body and speech, living with those who observe discipline in the same manner, and understanding the flaws of carelessness in order to give them up and eventually become free from them.


4.C. -3594 “ ‘What is the fourth remedy for carelessness? Constant and deep appreciation of those who possess wakefulness and discipline in order to crush carelessness and practice carefulness. Those who overcome carelessness become happy and distance themselves from suffering. They also see the flaws of carelessness for what they are and give them up accordingly. [F.215.b] That is the fourth remedy for carelessness.


4.C. -3595 “ ‘The fifth remedy for carelessness is this: witnessing how those who are flawed by carelessness are punished by kings or royal ministers. Seeing how such people are punished with execution, having their property confiscated, mutilation, or amputation due to their carelessness, one becomes apprehensive of other forms of carelessness. The very presence of such fear makes one give up all stains of carelessness, and so one will overcome carelessness and practice carefulness. Considering this, one will think, “May I not be born in hell!” and thus abstain from unvirtuous actions. Still, those gods who are so fond of carelessness continue to engage in unwholesome actions. But this is the fifth remedy for carelessness. In this way, carelessness is not becoming, either for gods nor humans.’