2022年2月8日 星期二


1.No. 721正法念處經,元魏婆羅門瞿曇般若流支譯

2.藏譯英The Application of Mindfulness of the Sacred Dharma, Saddharma smṛtyupasthāna https://read.84000.co/translation/toh287.html.



4.C. - 2893 “ ‘Once the categories of male and female lay practitioners have been explained, one may wonder, “Who make up the retinue of a spiritual practitioner? How many types are there? What are their qualities? What are they based on? What are their vows? How many ways are there to give rise to the vows of spiritual practitioners?


4.C. -2894 “ ‘The blessed ones’ nuns and monks practice for the sake of the transcendence of suffering, they train in concentration throughout the day and night, and they muster diligence such that they strike fear in the retinues of the māras.


· · · · The Nuns · · · ·

4.C. -2895 “ ‘Among the nuns, what are their characteristic features? They are learned, bright, and gentle. They are fearless, journey to the city of the transcendence of suffering, and inquire into the nature of reality. Endowed with discipline, they investigate things in such a way that they are able to enter the city of the transcendence of suffering.


4.C. -2896 “ ‘What are the qualities of such women? They have no regard for wealth, no matter how extravagant. Likewise, from the very beginning they investigate the nature of reality. Regarding the bodies of men and themselves, when they see a well-built man, or man of outstanding physique, they train in regarding him as their brother or son. These are the three roots of virtuous training, and such a state of mind causes them to cut through all bonds.


4.C. -2897 “ ‘Whether it is day or night, whether they are asleep or awake, infantile beings are attached to other pursuits. Whether young or old; whether balanced, upset, or happy; whether healthy or sick; whether industrious or lazy; whether living with a guardian, their family, [F.108.b] or unguarded and away from their family; whether beautiful or ugly; whether on the road or at home; whether surrounded by a mass of people or home alone; whether beautifully attired or with poor attire; whether roaming freely or imprisoned; whether sustained by their master or by their children; whether in the presence of teachers or inferior individuals; whether in fine health or tormented by disease —whatever the case may be, women are always, in every way, in all regards, and in every context bound by desire, and they act on that basis.


4.C. -2898 “ ‘For example, the sun shines and fire burns, earth is solid, wind is light and moving, water is wet and liquid —this is how the characteristics of the four great elements have been conclusively determined. Similarly, women are always —at all times and in all circumstances —filled with desire and they pursue their desires.


This gives rise to two further stains, namely envy and stinginess. And these give rise to another stain, that of trickery. From that follows another stain, which is fraudulence. From that follows the stain of not becoming free from existence. From that follow the stains of hankering after good looks and disregarding those who do not have relations with them. From that follows the stain of being frivolous. [F.109.a] From that follows the stain of quarreling with their family and kin.


From that follows the stain of delighting in creating divisions. From that follows the stain of backbiting. 414 From that follows the stain of trespassing where they should not go. From that follows the stain of failing to have trust. From that follows the stain of teaching other women to behave divisively. From that follows the stain of not being able to appreciate anything. From that follows the stain of gluttony. 415 From that follows the stain of destroying the realm. From that follows the stain of going from darkness to more darkness, heading straight down to the hells. In this way, women are like bonds, poison, weapons, an abyss, fire, a ravine, snakes, and the like.


4.C. - 2899 “ ‘However, seeing or hearing about the Three Jewels or hearing the Dharma of the buddhas may soften their minds and serve as a wondrous remedy against all that was just mentioned. Women who become purified in this way can then skillfully train in a gradual manner and thereby purify themselves, as well as others. As they go forth with faith, they connect with what is wholesome and train in virtue, whether on their own or by following a spiritual teacher.


Just at the rising sun dispels the darkness in mountain caves and ravines, they conquer the darkness of all these numerous flaws that have followed their minds since time without beginning. [F.109.b] Likewise, as they engage in conversations on the sun of the Dharma, they crush a mountain of flaws.


4.C. -2900 “ ‘Therefore, those who desire to go forth in such ways and those who are already nuns should first of all avoid following anyone but holy people. This is because spiritual teachers are the cause of the aforementioned genuine remedies. They establish others on the true path. Liberating from all suffering, they establish one in happiness. They explain the excellent path. They conquer the darkness that has otherwise existed since time without beginning. They give instructions for the path of virtue. They free others permanently from the sharp pains of desire and the like. They are profoundly saddened by those who wander through the ravines of existence. They explain well the happy state of the city that is permanently free from aging and death.


Therefore, I shall now deliver the kinds of statements that will reverse those stains. Those stains, which appear in the progression that was just outlined, will then be overcome and destroyed in that order. All of these faults are primarily related to women and not men; envy and stinginess are generally related to women. It is by going through the progression and reversal of those faults that their remedies are applied, and one is thus delivered from cyclic existence.


4.C. -2901 “ ‘The bodies of such desirous females can be properly regarded with the remedying recognition of repulsiveness, so that one perceives the body as a basis for disease and a heap of filth. [F.110.a] Regardless of whether the aggregates thus explained constitute one’s own body or the body of another, one examines the body’s defining characteristics by asking, “Where does the body come from?” Inquiring in this way, one will see that the body emerges as the product and transformation of an impure conglomeration of semen and blood. In this way one analyzes the body, thinking of it in terms of its unpleasant and unclean form. One should ask oneself, “Given that the living body is so filthy, could our bodies possibly contain anything clean at all?”


4.C. -2902 “ ‘When thus pursuing and exploring the way things are, one may notice that filth oozes from nine wounds on the body. Both women and men have those wounds. What are those nine wounds? In fact, women have more than nine as they include the two breasts in addition to the anus, the urinal tract, and the nostrils from which flows mucus.


Tears are secreted from the eyes. Dirt is produced in the ears, and blood and pus emerge from the mouth. There are also hundreds of impure substances that ooze from the body, such as foul-smelling gas, gall, phlegm, blood, and excrement. That becomes clear to the one who examines the body in accordance with reality. Since our bodies do not contain the slightest bit or trace of anything clean, how could anyone perceive it as something pleasant?


4.C. -2903 “ ‘Moreover, when things that are otherwise clean come into contact with this body, its filthy character will rub off on them. As one examines these matters, one will see how contact with the body makes clean things as filthy as the body itself. For example, when food and drink is consumed, they first disappear, only to emerge in the form of excrement as a result of their relationship with the body. [F.110.b] All the food that one eats is turned into filth.


4.C. -2904 “ ‘Contact with the outer surface of the body also has a soiling effect on things that are otherwise clean. For example, when something that is perfumed is placed on the body, the body’s sweat will make it stink. Likewise, contact with the body will cause fragrant flowers to decay and lose their fragrance.


4.C. -2905 “ ‘When a nun examines the body properly in this way, she will seek to determine whether the bodily function of motherhood is pure or impure. When a nun thus investigates, she will come to see that the bodies of all mothers in her family are also exceedingly unclean. Likewise, in her analysis of the body, the nun may examine whether the place or locality where the body is situated should be thought of as clean or unclean. She will then correctly notice that since the body comes with germs, stains, hair, and bones, even the most pristine and exalted setting will become smelly if a body —whether dead or alive —is placed there.


4.C. -2906 “ ‘Likewise, as the nun inquires further in order to give up desire, she may ask herself, “Who would eat this body?” She will then realize, “Only rākṣasas, piśācas, or other filthy creatures of that sort would do so. This body would not be consumed by swans, ducks, or geese that live among pure lotus flowers.” [F.111.a]


4.C. -2907 “ ‘When her own body is seen in accordance with an accurate investigation of the way things are, the nun will realize that wholly inaccurate thinking, mistaken thoughts, and incorrect mental activity all have a blinding effect, such that the mere words man and woman come to be accepted as referring to something real. As she recognizes this, she will give rise to correct mental activity and thereby achieve understanding. At that time, all her desire will be relinquished, diminished, and fundamentally destroyed, because all of it is rooted in so-called “female desire.” All other stains arise from that, so relinquishing desire constitutes the remedy for relinquishing all the other stains. For example, whenever the sun is present, the light that shines in the world of humans will not fade. Likewise, desire is an especially fundamental stain, so when this stain is overcome, all the other stains will be conquered too. This is the path whereby the nun conquers desire.


4.C. -2908 “ ‘What other co-emergent factors will be destroyed when desire is conquered? Envy and stinginess, which emerge from desire. Whether one is a man or a woman, those two factors emerge from desire. So, when desire is relinquished, or when it weakens, those two will weaken too.


4.C. -2909 “ ‘What further stain follows invariably from the former two? Trickery. Trickery is caused by envy and stinginess, and thus when those two disappear, so will deceit. Based on trickery follows another stain, fraudulence. When envy and stinginess disappear, one will not engage in fraudulence either. [F.111.b] But with fraudulence follows another stain, which is craving. When deception is destroyed, craving will not manifest and thus there will be no craving. When there is no craving, there will not be desire for those who cohabit and no rejection of those who do not cohabit. When such does not occur, another stain will likewise be absent, namely being frivolous.


When that is absent, there will not be quarrels or divisiveness either —women are otherwise prone to inciting discord. When that is not present in a woman, there is a further stain that will not be present either, which is backbiting. Women are intent on creating divisions and hence they backbite in all sorts of ways. When they give up divisiveness, they also give up backbiting. When that is relinquished, another, related factor will also disappear, which is gluttony. Women are eager to fill their stomachs and to overeat. 416 Hence, when the stain of gluttony is pacified, the stain of trespassing where one should not go will also be relinquished. Because of the flaw of gluttony, women go to men they should not go to. Hence, when they become free from the desire for filling their bellies, the stain of going where they should not go will also be pacified. Once that disappears, another stain will be pacified, which is being untrustworthy.


When women trespass where they should not go, no man will trust them [F.112.a] and no man will be fond of them. Another stain that concurs with, and follows from, trespassing where one should not go is that of having intercourse. Once the desire to have intercourse has vanished, another factor will disappear. What is that? Taking pleasure in dispute. When there is no fondness for dispute, another related stain will disappear, which is that of destroying the realm. When there is no fondness for dispute there are no threats to the realm either, and so the realm is not destroyed.


4.C. -2910 “ ‘When men in various ways develop animosity and seek to hurt one another with weapons, the cause of that is generally women, and not any other cause. Hence, by conquering desire, all the various flaws that successively give rise to one another will also thereby disappear.


4.C. -2911 “ ‘The nature of a woman’s mind is such that she will be involved in and consumed by all of these faults. Only by hearing the words of the buddhas from the mouths of spiritual teachers can their minds become gentle, not in any other way. There is no other way that women can become gentle. However, when they do, they give up the household —that which is so difficult to give up —and with faith they go forth from the household to become homeless mendicants. Even if they are incapable of bringing an end to the defilements, they will nevertheless train in discipline by abstaining from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, harsh words, and divisive talk, giving up all such actions. Women who in this way attend to, cultivate, and increase their discipline will, upon the destruction of their bodies, go to the joyous higher realms and be born among the gods in the Heaven Free from Strife.


Those who have not attained the path of freedom from desire for pleasures [F.112.b] but continue to pursue pleasures based on their karmic actions and minds will be born among the gods in Moving in Gatherings within in the Heaven Free from Strife. Once they are born there, they will live in insightful ways by virtue of their sublime practice of discipline.


4.C. -2912 “ ‘Yet, gods who attain such a life will eventually become careless and act carelessly. Hence, when their karmic actions are exhausted, they will again be born as hell beings, starving spirits, or animals. Alternatively, they may also advance higher and higher among the gods and accomplish the life of a goddess.’


欲為妬嫉地,心如電火輪,是貪慢之藏,智者則不信。cf. Dhs.9.83-87

4.C. -2913“At this point, that blessed one included these verses: “ ‘The mind that is grounded in desire, envy, and deceit Is like a waterwheel, a flash of lightning, or burning iron. In the realms of pride, There is nothing whatsoever to rely on.


4.C. -2914 “ ‘Everything there is harmful, like weapons or fire. Caught in the noose of form, The minds of oneself and others Are like deep and terrible abysses.


4.C. -2915 “ ‘Straight away, such beings make enemies As their minds are tricked by illusory magic. Then, as the untimely Lord of Death and vajra fire manifest, Time will feel like a mountain.


4.C. -2916 “ ‘Their minds engage in errors That assume so many different forms. 417


4.C. -2917 “ ‘If, for even a moment, a woman Develops discipline in her mind, She will be adorned by the light rays Of the sun of the buddhas’ speech.’


4.C. -2918 “Musulundha will then proclaim to the gods, ‘Gods, you were born here because of your deeds when you were women in the human realm.’ Thus, he teaches them about the discipline they practiced in other lives. He will then continue: ‘When a woman takes rebirth as a human or a god as the result of her practice of discipline, it would be extremely deluded to let that attainment come to nothing because of carelessness. Therefore —quick, quick —make sure that you are not careless! [F.113.a] This is how the Blessed One instructs the gods with loving concern. ’