2022年2月20日 星期日


1.No. 721正法念處經,元魏婆羅門瞿曇般若流支譯

2.藏譯英The Application of Mindfulness of the Sacred Dharma, Saddharma smṛtyupasthāna https://read.84000.co/translation/toh287.html.



4.C. -4101 “At that point the lord of the Heaven Free from Strife will say to them, ‘All of you, you should go dance in the forests and parks, among the lotus pools and the beautiful jewel mountain peaks!’ [F.298.b] Thus, he will encourage them to enjoy themselves.


4.C. -4102 “Yet the minds of the gods are now weary, and their minds are on guard against carelessness. Therefore, as they hear those words of the ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife, the original gods will respond with deep weariness, ‘Your Majesty, what is there for us to feel happy about within the forests and parks or among the beautiful jewel mountains? Like the gods that drowned in the lake, we too have no way to remain here at the peak of cyclic existence. We have seen this with our own eyes —all pleasures are impermanent and inevitably culminate in suffering. We too are not eternal, not stable, and will not last. All of this has no point whatsoever.’


4.C. -4103 “Hearing such words from the gods, the ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife will respond, ‘The Blessed One has taught that this will all end in suffering.’ “All the gods will then say, ‘We all believe this, so now, Your Majesty, please inform us about this harsh suffering.’


4.C. -4104 “The ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife will then reply, ‘I could of course tell you about the suffering of all of cyclic existence, but for now I shall explain just one aspect of this. Those who, while drifting in cyclic existence throughout billions of eons, avoid falling under the power of carelessness will through such endeavors take birth in the joyful higher realms. Those two existences of gods and humans are extremely difficult to achieve. Wise are those who stay clear of carelessness, who give up concerns for outer circumstances, [F.299.a] and who do not become swayed by such events. Others are born in the realms of hell beings, starving spirits, and animals. O gods, those states are called the lower realms. The realms of gods and humans are called the higher realms. It is impossible to convey how intense the pain felt in those realms can be.


4.C. -4105 “ ‘For details, you should look at the Teacher’s statements, but in short, gods and humans experience sixteen types of suffering. What are the sufferings that gods and humans face? The summary of the sufferings they face in the higher realms is as follows: (1) the suffering of the intermediate state, (2) the suffering of being in the womb, (3) the suffering of emerging from the womb, (4) the suffering of feeding, (5) the suffering of wanting, (6) the suffering of encountering the disagreeable, (7) the suffering of being separated from loved ones, (8) the suffering of being oppressed by cold, heat, and so forth, (9) the suffering of disease, (10) the suffering of being controlled by others, (11) the suffering of striving, (12) the suffering of being in unwholesome company, (13) the suffering of taking care of children and family, (14) the suffering of hunger and thirst, (15) the suffering of losing influence and aging, 514 and (16) the most intense and painful suffering of all, the suffering of death. Those sixteen forms of intense suffering pertain to the human world. They are experienced by beings born as humans, and they culminate in death. For other beings there are many other kinds of suffering, which are utterly unbearable. [F.299.b] There is no pleasure to be found in this or any other realm, which is not subject to eventual exhaustion and destruction.


4.C. -4106 “ ‘First of all, what type of suffering is felt by the spirits born into the intermediate state between two lives? Such beings, who are blown about by the winds of karmic action, cannot be seen with the physical eye, but only with the divine eye. These spirits are unrestricted, so when they are about to take birth as humans, their appearance will accord with their future appearance and family, which in turn are effects of their generosity, discipline, and insight that may be of inferior, intermediate, or superior quality. As for the food of such spirits, if they are going to be born into a house of poor people, their food will be crude and of inferior color, smell, texture, and portions. Due to their insufficient power of generosity, they will then also fail to find sustenance in their coming life. This is the first among the sufferings of humans.


4.C. -4107 “ ‘Next, having become a human, one will remain in the womb due to the influence of karmic actions and afflictions. If one is to be born in a poor home, one will, through the umbilical cord from the placenta, receive bad food, rough and sour food, and food in insufficient amounts. Hence, the developing fetus will have an unhealthy complexion and become emaciated. The movements of the mother will be extremely uncomfortable to the fetus, causing it to slosh about within the confines of the abdomen. Cold and hot food will also be painful. In this way, the fetus encounters intense and inescapable suffering, and even though it is traumatized, it lacks any strength to respond. [F.300.a] Sinking in a quagmire of urine and feces, it experiences immense suffering. That is the second kind of suffering, and since such suffering can be found even in the higher realms, there is no need to speak of what hell beings, starving spirits, and animals endure.


4.C. -4108 “ ‘There is also a third kind of suffering, because if one subsequently emerges from the womb, the confines of the birth canal feel overwhelmingly cramped. Resembling the way sugarcane passes through the opening in a juice press, one emerges from the vagina under an intense crushing pressure. Such is the suffering of being extruded from the womb.


4.C. -4109 “ ‘Next follows a fourth kind of suffering. Although one’s body is extremely tender and delicate —like freshly churned butter or the leaves of the plantain —one will at birth be handled by crude, hurried, and boorish midwives. Their complexion is poor, and they lack competence. Skinny and with gaping eyes, they are crude, make jokes, and chatter distastefully. Being taken up by their hands feels excruciating, like being burned by flames or cut by a knife, because one’s body is so extremely soft and sensitive.


Even if the newborn is swaddled in the softest of fabrics, it feels like it is being compressed in a horrid, coarse, rough, crude, foul, oppressive, and stifling hovel. In the cold season, the cold will feel penetrating and one’s birth home will be icy. Likewise, in the hot season the heat will be overwhelming, and thus one will be tormented by scorching heat. The reason for this burning pain is a deficiency with respect to generosity. [F.300.b] In this way, one is born from the mother’s womb under searing pain.


4.C. - 4110“ ‘Next follows the suffering of feeding due to insufficient generosity, for as one is breastfed one also experiences suffering. If one’s mother fails to eat sufficient food, the milk in her breasts will also be scarce. The baby’s body will then become emaciated, lose its luster, take on an unhealthy complexion, and wither away until only sinew, bone, and skin remain. With the body of the baby thus becoming emaciated, it is prone to disease. Subsistence will become unbearable for the baby.


Even if at some point the baby should obtain some food or drink, the baby will be so overcome by thoughts of consuming it that the smell, taste, and texture of the food will seem insufficient and inadequate, and the food may even be consumed by others. In this way, the baby may either die or only barely subsist, suffering from starvation. If at that time, however, the baby should be able to drink from its mother’s breasts, it may survive due to its adoration of her beautiful body. However, because of such inferior generosity, all the mother’s milk will eventually run dry. If at that point the baby eats a well-cooked meal, its stomach may at first feel full, but the food will later cause tremendous pain.


4.C. -4111 “ ‘After that comes a fifth suffering, which is caused by hankering. Those tormented by the suffering of having to feed will want to explore in all directions because their stomachs are oppressed by starvation. Tormented by such pain, they may resort to stealing or engage in many other acts that are not beneficial. [F.301.a] For that reason, they may be killed by their cohabitants, thus coming to suffer the pain of dying, or they may find themselves on the verge of death. Thirst and starvation are the pinnacle of all those sufferings.’



4.C. -4112 “The ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife will then utter these verses: “ ‘Among all the sufferings of cyclic existence, There is generally none like that of starvation. That torment for sentient beings Comes from having an unwholesome nature.


4.C. -4113 “ ‘Starvation is said to be a fire That rises from one’s own body. The fire of thought then burns what remains Of the three worlds —like a burning tree.


4.C. -4114 “ ‘Such fire spreads And reaches into other worlds, Even though, for a hundred eons, One may never catch any sight of death.


4.C. -4115 “ ‘Childish beings engage in unwholesome acts, And thus they enter the lower realms. The wise explain that this Takes place due to the search for food.


4.C. -4116 “ ‘As a consequence of hunger, People will not pursue what is good for them. All in the three realms, without exception, Are moved by the search for food.


4.C. -4117 “ ‘Therefore, all these many different worlds Emerge from the human realm. The great river of the three realms Flows from the pursuit of sustenance.’


4.C. -4118 “When Musulundha has explained this to the original gods, he will continue: ‘What are the further aspects of suffering in the worlds of gods and humans? There is what is called the suffering from encountering the disagreeable. That suffering is of the following six kinds. When the eye beholds an appearance that is not a close friend or the like, one may instead perceive something unwanted or disagreeable. Due to seeing that appearance, the mind will not feel appreciation or delight. [F.301.b] Instead, the mind and mental states become troubled and one becomes fearful. The mind and mental states then experience a distressing form of suffering. When one first encounters such appearances, they will take the form of meeting an enemy or an unwholesome companion.


4.C. -4119 “ ‘Likewise, when the ear hears a sound that is not agreeable, delightful, or pleasing, it will trouble the mind, and thus again there arises the suffering of encountering the disagreeable. The most intense form of disagreeable sound is the sound of untrue teachings being professed. Hearing and listening to that will make one suffer an inauspicious fall and be reborn in hell. Whenever something slightly unpleasant, unappealing, disagreeable, or upsetting is heard, it leads to mental displeasure and the mind becomes disturbed. Such unattractive, ugly, and unpleasant circumstances in the human world belong to what is known as the suffering of encountering the disagreeable.


4.C. -4120 “ ‘Gods, what is the third type suffering in the human world that arises from encountering the disagreeable? The suffering that arises from odors that are unattractive, ugly, and unpleasant. When such odors are detected, they disturb the mind, and when the mind perceives these odors as unpleasant, that produces afflictive suffering. O gods, the strongest type of suffering due to encountering the disagreeable within the human world occurs in the context of virtuous people offering incense to venerate the Dharma or the Saṅgha. [F.302.a] When people of coarse minds and dull intellects smell the fragrance, whether they are at rest or on the move, they may develop yearning desire, ill will, disrespect, or hostility. They may smell the fragrance under the influence of various kinds of attachment. Based on such causes, they will, upon the disintegration of their bodies, suffer an inauspicious fall and be reborn in hell. Based on their olfactory faculty and actions related to it, such people with unwholesome minds will, when their bodies disintegrate, be born in the hells. O gods, that is the third type of suffering that arises from encountering the disagreeable as a human in the human realm.


4.C. -4121 “ ‘There is also another intense form of suffering that arises from encountering the disagreeable. What is that? The suffering that occurs when humans of inferior intellect in the human realm act in pursuit of taste. Such people will, upon the disintegration of their bodies, suffer an inauspicious fall and be reborn in hell. When someone who is not a mendicant but pretends to be so —someone who is rotten on the inside, lacks learning, and whose behavior is like the sound of a conch —enters among the members of the saṅgha or visits a home he may, while bearing the attire of a monk, mentally indulge in the good taste experienced by his tongue. Based on such causes and conditions, he will, upon the disintegration of his body, suffer an inauspicious fall and be reborn in hell. Likewise, a lazy monk may give up his practice of concentration and instead, obsessed with food, [F.302.b] begin to wander from place to place in pursuit of it. When the body of such a lazy person disintegrates, he will suffer an inauspicious fall and be reborn in hell. O gods, such is the suffering of encountering the disagreeable as experienced by humans in the human realm and in relation to the tongue and taste.


4.C. -4122 “ ‘O gods, what is the next type of suffering that humans wishing for good circumstances experience due to encountering the disagreeable? It is the suffering that arises when people become so caught up in the experience of texture that they fail to consider what is virtuous, do not engage with the path of Dharma, and lose their mental equipoise. Such a situation is referred to as a base person becoming obsessed with a base object, and when the bodies of such people disintegrate, they will suffer an inauspicious fall and be reborn in hell. O gods, such is the suffering of humans in the human realm as they encounter the disagreeable.


4.C. -4123 “ ‘O gods, what is the next suffering of encountering the disagreeable that arises for humans in the human realm? It is the suffering that occurs when people’s minds become restless, unstable, and distracted, such that they take a continuous interest in unwholesome teachings. If such people fail to take joy in the Dharma, or to practice virtue and do what is beneficial to themselves, they will, upon the disintegration of their bodies, suffer an inauspicious fall and be reborn in hell. Alas, O gods, such is the suffering of encountering the disagreeable for humans in the human realm.


4.C. -4124 “ ‘There are so many other ways and forms that the experience of such suffering can take as well. The following are three examples of encountering the disagreeable. Those who engage in killing will endure painful sights as they keep on meeting adversaries and enemies. [F.303.a] That is one kind of suffering in terms of encountering the disagreeable. Another type of suffering from encountering the disagreeable arises due to keeping company with unwholesome people. Suffering from encountering the disagreeable will definitely also occur when one hides a conflict inside and is subsequently overwhelmed by it at another time. These are three types of suffering that result from encountering the disagreeable. O gods, those are different forms of intense suffering that are encountered in the world of humans.’


4.C. -4125 “To help the gods develop weariness due to suffering, Musulundha will next teach the gods about the suffering of being separated from loved ones: ‘Here loved ones refers to those who are of benefit in the two worlds. 515 It is an intense form of suffering to be separated from those virtuous companions who have a constant wish to be helpful. Suffering due to separation from loved ones also refers to being separated from one’s parents, siblings, children, relatives, friends, or other loved ones. At that point, one’s mind is tortured more severely than if one were burned, abused, harmed by weapons, or had fallen into a fire. Such is the suffering of being separated from loved ones.’


4.C. -4126 “Continuing his Dharma teaching for the benefit of the gods, the ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife will next explain about the suffering that arises from cold, heat, and the like. Thus, he addresses the gods: ‘Gods, what sufferings are endured by humans in the human realm? They include the sufferings of cold and heat. Gods, if humans are exposed to cold, they freeze and suffer, but if they are exposed to heat, they suffer just as intensely. [F.303.b] Likewise, those who ingest too much food will also suffer. Taking too much rest also brings suffering, but so does standing or moving about for too long a time as well. Drinking too much is also painful. Dreams can be painful, and when, at night, one lies sleeping on the same side, that becomes painful, but if one shifts to the other side and keeps lying in that way, that position will also become very uncomfortable. The superficial pleasures arising from sexual union deceive humans in the human realm, and thus they fail to engage in positive actions. Completely overcome by such pleasures, they rush off into the hells. Gods, such intense forms of suffering in the human realm are sufferings that give a false appearance of pleasure. Gods, make sure not to end up like that!’


4.C. -4127 “In this way, Musulundha teaches the gods the Dharma for their benefit, warning them that their pleasures are just like those of humans. He teaches them the Dharma so that they may become disenchanted by their pleasures and turn away from cyclic existence. The ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife teaches so the gods may benefit from turning away from cyclic existence, and thus he guides those lost in carelessness.


4.C. -4128 “The ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife next proceeds to teach the gods about another type of suffering that humans experience, explaining to them how humans in the human realm suffer from disease. Numerous different illnesses afflict humans. They suffer from contagions, dysentery, respiratory diseases, coughs —the full range of the four hundred and four diseases. Those overcome by the suffering of sexual relations are also eventually overcome by disease. [F.304.a] In this way, the humans in the human realm are ravaged by physical diseases. Likewise, agony and mental unhappiness are also human diseases, for that is what people of the world call them.


4.C. -4129 “Musulundha then continues to teach the Dharma for the benefit of the gods. Describing cyclic existence and pointing out the blazing sufferings of the human world, he will go on to say, ‘Being under the power of others is also a source of suffering in the world of humans. O gods, certain humans are born into a shared social position: some belong to the same class, some are equally gifted, some are equally youthful, and some are equally powerful. Those who are in some regard inferior to them are then entirely under the power of their superiors. Throughout day and night, such inferior persons have no freedom and are constantly made to suffer. Such is the suffering of being under the power of others. The suffering of being under the power of others is hard to bear, because those whose family, appearance, diligence, charisma, intelligence, knowledge, or cognitive power are not of the highest class become subdued by their superiors and gradually end up in various positions of subservience.


4.C. -4130 “ ‘Compared to Musulundha, the karmic actions of the gods are inferior — they lack generosity, and they are under his rule in the Heaven Free from Strife. Nevertheless, they enjoy freedom throughout day and night. However, it is a different story for those whose power of generosity is not as strong. They become impoverished and the skin on their hands and feet cracks and wears out. Wearing smelly clothes, they are constantly oppressed by hunger and thirst and must endure the sufferings of heat and cold. [F.304.b] In this way, the sufferings from being under the power of others are many and difficult to bear, making both day and night devoid of happiness.


Whoever is inferior with respect to family, appearance, youth, charisma, and influence must attend on those with superior family, appearance, knowledge, and cognitive powers. They are outshone in all regards. Living in poverty and defeat, they must endure tremendous suffering. That is another intense form of suffering for gods and humans.


4.C. -4131 “ ‘Another consequence of the suffering of being under the control of others arises when impoverished people who practice the Dharma come to depend on people who engage in unwholesome actions. If one serves and accompanies such people, one too will become unwholesome. Accordingly, when their masters engage in unattractive, ugly, and unpleasant activities, they too end up engaging in the exact same types of activities. Therefore, upon the disintegration of their bodies, they will suffer an inauspicious fall and be reborn in hell. Hence, the suffering of being under the power of others leads to deception with respect to both this world and the next and produces unwholesomeness.


4.C. -4132 “ ‘O gods, there is also another form of great suffering that is extremely difficult to bear for the humans of the human world: the suffering of striving. Such suffering, which arises due to the pursuit of material things, may take many forms. For the sake of obtaining wealth, people may set out to sea, enter a precipice, or wage war. For various purposes and reasons, people burn themselves out as they become involved with others, serve lowly people, engage in agricultural work, pursue business, take up cow herding, travel abroad, come under the control of others, [F.305.a] scale high mountains, bustle around in the service of others, and so forth.


All such struggles are basically made for the sake of obtaining wealth, food, and clothing. They are undertaken by people who suffer acutely from poverty and destitution and who are overcome by craving. From birth up until they are caught by the noose of craving thrown by the Lord of Death, they continue indulging in misdeeds. Striving to fulfil the wishes of others, 516 causing harm, making false measurements, being deceptive in family matters, peddling alcohol, selling sesame seeds, acquiring wealth by inappropriate means, destroying the environment, destroying the government, and conquering the land —in these and many other unwholesome ways, humans in the human realm act for the sake of their children, clothing, food, and drink. Such is the suffering of striving. Even if one went on for a thousand years, it would be hard to address the hundreds of thousands of forms that this suffering assumes. Gods, this is the epitome of human suffering.’


4.C. -4133 “In this way, the ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife teaches the gods the Dharma for their benefit and so they may feel weary of existence. Like humans, the gods also feel desire. Wishing to benefit beings who crave for existence, Musulundha therefore offers them instruction. Showing them the ways humans eke out a living, he admonishes the gods not to be born into such an existence. Humans are oppressed by such unwholesome endeavors, [F.305.b] and thus they are never genuinely happy. Such causal factors will later cause them to take rebirth among hell beings, starving spirits, and animals. Once reborn in those ways, they will experience numerous other kinds of pain.


4.C. -4134 “Next, the ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife will teach the gods about another type of suffering: ‘O gods, humans in the human realm also experience another type of suffering, which is the suffering of associating with unwholesome companions. This refers to associating with evil people, or those who engage in all manner of pointless activities, and it causes all possible forms of suffering. People who keep unwholesome company will not only fail to achieve what is good for themselves, they will also engage in all kinds of unwholesome activities. All their conduct of body, speech, andmind will become flawed. Hence, due to such causes and conditions, they will, upon the disintegration of their bodies, suffer an inauspicious fall and be reborn in the hells. Such factors lead to copious suffering throughout the three lower realms, and thus they will be reborn in the realms of starving sprits and animals too.’


4.C. -4135 “In this way, the gods will understand how the world of humans is greatly flawed. They will see that those are not flaws pertaining to the realms of starving spirits or animals. Musulundha explains this so that upon seeing those flaws, the gods may end their fondness for human life and instead turn toward the state of peace, the transcendence of suffering.


4.C. -4136 “The ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife will then continue his Dharma teaching for the benefit of the gods: ‘How else do humans suffer? They also suffer on account of their children, family, and friends. O gods, in the world of humans, children, family, and so forth are a source of extreme suffering. [F.306.a] Humans in the human realm feel a sharp pang if their family members or children are killed, enslaved, or the like, or if they suffer from hunger, thirst, or poverty. The reason they feel that intense pain is that they are so fond of such people. Because of this fondness, they suffer when their children are exposed to danger by others. Within the higher realms, such suffering is unique to humans. Such suffering, which is caused by having children and relatives, will often engender a state of mind that leads to further rebirths among humans. This is so because all forms of perception culminate in karmic action and, moreover, the ways all such people die will not be propitious. Birth, aging, and death constitute intense forms of suffering in cyclic existence, and they can all be observed in the world of humans. Therefore, understanding the nature of such unbearable sufferings, the gods must avoid developing a human mindset.’ In this way, Musulundha shows the gods in great detail the highest purpose, which is the path of auspiciousness.


4.C. -4137 “Without anyone planning it, a rich network of objects manifests in the world of humans. What all does it comprise? The human world is said to be the foundation for the three lower realms, and thus it portends the innumerably many billions of indescribable sufferings found there. When the gods in the higher realms die and transmigrate, some among them who were not so careless will be told, ‘Gods, within the higher realms of karmic action, you should now proceed to the human world!’ [F.306.b] Then, when such humans subsequently pass away, their friends and companions may offer benedictions and advise them, ‘Please proceed to the joyous realms of the gods!’ In that way, both their origin and destination will be in the higher realms. There are two joyous realms, whereas the remaining three realms are all painful.


4.C. -4138 “The ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife pursues what is beneficial and he takes care of others. Since he is always careful, he teaches through many different means and methods a Dharma that is bountiful, ultimate, and sublime.


Once he has demonstrated the sufferings associated with having sons and daughters, he then proceeds to explain to the gods, ‘There is also another type of suffering in the human realm. What is that? The intense suffering that is experienced due to hunger and thirst. All the many adverse conditions experienced by humans are rooted in the torments of hunger and thirst. The thus-gone ones do not mention any suffering as diverse as this. Fearing the sufferings of hunger and thirst, humans indulge in a wide variety of pitiful activities. When destitute, even those who were born into important families will end up begging from their inferiors with joined palms, tears streaming down their cheeks, and wailing in despair.


Likewise, people who tell lies do so because they are all tormented by the fear of poverty and the resulting hunger and thirst. [F.307.a] Moreover, without giving any thought to their own survival, people may throw themselves into the battlefield amid raised weapons and terrifying elephant tusks, all because of the torments of hunger and thirst. People may also risk their lives sailing across hundreds of thousands of leagues of stormy seas infested with crocodiles and sea monsters, 517 or engage in other such hazardous sea ventures, all due to the suffering of hunger and thirst.


In these and many other ways human beings are subject to indescribable suffering. Hardly any human suffering compares to that of being dragged to the executioner’s stake to the beating of the paṭaha drum and with a garland of oleander flowers tied around your neck. Your fear and horror are incredibly intense as you near the end of your life, and yet the terror you thus experience is still not comparable to that of hunger and thirst.


4.C. -4139 “ ‘Therefore, to eliminate that suffering, one must practice acts of generosity that are perfect in terms of one’s intention, the recipients, and the things that are given. The time must be right, one must give what is needed, and the giving must be continuous. Fear and suffering in cyclic existence is, indeed, felt by the gods as well, but their suffering associated with food is very minor by comparison. [F.307.b] Therefore, be generous so that you may be free from hunger and thirst.


O gods, for humans in the world of humans, there is copious suffering due to hunger and thirst. Humans have access to very few of the pleasures of soft and heavenly substances, and thus they suffer. Gods do not comprehend this because, for them, food and drink of heavenly substance are abundant and readily available. But all around you in this desire realm, the terrors and sufferings of hunger and thirst burn like fire fanned by the wind.


Therefore, gods, make sure that you do not rush off totake birth in the realms of humans! You must be sure to take this to heart once again: the world of humans is mostly marked by birth, aging, and disease.’


4.C. -4140 “Observing the mental state of the gods, Musulundha, ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife, will notice that they have now become extremely pliable and gentle, and he therefore will proceed to talk about other types of human suffering. This is the way he diligently engages in what is beneficial for others. Generally speaking, benefiting oneself comes easily, whereas helping others is difficult.


Still, doing what is beneficial for others is also mutually beneficial, and therefore Musulundha will continue to teach the gods the Dharma in many different ways. He teaches the gods, who have now found other interests in ways that are free from impairment, and who have become fearful of pleasures, about the sufferings of humanity: ‘Ah, gods, there is another type of intense suffering for humans. It is the suffering of losing influence, which occurs when people suffer from a bad reputation, thus rendering them mentally tormented, bereft of mental power, and weak. [F.308.a]


4.C. -4141 “ ‘Ah, gods, humans are of many different types and walks of life, and they all suffer great pains. Poor people, in particular, suffer the pain of a lowly reputation when they are in the presence of friends, family, companions, or relatives who all enjoy favorable circumstances. Due to their own lack of influence, they end up as servants for these people.


A second flaw of having a lowly reputation is that such impoverished people become obsessed with eating in the homes of others. A third flaw is that they enjoy talking to strangers. A fourth flaw of such deluded people is that they tell blatant lies to their friends and twist the truth. They are overwrought by the stains of unwholesome dwellings and food, and thus they take delight in being with women adorned with anklets. In this way, they sow the seeds for future problems.


O gods, in the human world, there are many such sufferings related to ill repute that smolder in people’s hearts. For humans in the human world, the fire of gossip becomes ten times worse when the gossip takes place among family, friends, and loved ones. This fire consumes people’s bodies and limbs completely. Horrific and terrifying, such a fire hollows out their bodies and reduces them to ashes.


4.C. -4142 “ ‘Alas, O gods, in a single inhalation of the breath, you may suddenly take birth as a human! Yet humans experience much suffering, have little success, [F.308.b] suffer much harm, live short lives, and become stained by the flaws of a poor reputation. When it comes to gossip, humans are masters —none of the beings in the four other realms can compare. Humans in the human world are the most highly skilled in that regard and, for those who are arrogant and conceited, gossip is as painful as an unbearable disease. Gossip is intensely painful as it reduces people from a level of equality to a state where they retain only one tenth of their former influence. Such is the suffering of incurring a bad reputation. If it occurs just once, arrogant people may only feel its effects in passing. But as it lingers in their minds 518 and increases over time, it will resurface just as before. Gossip can become even more painful than death because, noble children, it consumes the mind. Alas, O gods, this is another type of suffering that is hard to bear for humans in the human realm, and so I have described it for you.


4.C. -4143 “ ‘But I have more to tell you. I shall inform you about the suffering of aging. Aging refers to the process of degeneration that pertains to all conditioned things. As you age, your faculties wane, while young people become your competitors. You must lean on a cane and you become unable to sit up or move about properly. [F.309.a] Your body and strength degenerate and, as you develop a hunchback, you become the subject of gossip. Your hair also changes appearance. Thereafter, as the first harbingers of death and a future life in destitution begin to manifest, your body, faculties, and mind steadily degenerate. While still alive, it feels as if you are being taken away to another realm. Ah, gods, for humans in the human world, their psychophysical constituents 519 become a liability. This experience is certain to come, so investigate it carefully for a long time. Understand this so that you will not suffer. People eventually become lifeless and insentient, like wood or stone. While they may have the appearance of humans, they are just like animals. Ah, gods, birth is another great source of suffering for humans in the human realm. Understand that the suffering of aging occurs because of birth, and therefore give up your attachment to existence.


4.C. -4144 “ ‘Ah, gods, there is also another type of intense suffering that occurs in human life, which assumes a wide range of forms and is very hard to endure. What is that suffering? It is the suffering of death, which is unavoidable in life. Death causes one’s body, faculties, and sense sources to cease. It destroys the faculty of the life force as well as the sense sources. It permanently puts an end to meeting one’s family, companions, and friends, and it destroys all good fortune. As people depart for the next life, they must traverse a path consisting of the effects of their former actions. At the end of their life, all beings must go through the experience of relinquishing their body. Then, when they subsequently take rebirth in the intermediate state, that is what is referred to as death. O gods, this is certain to be experienced, because whoever is born must also die. [F.309.b] It is completely impossible for anyone to die, take rebirth as a human, and then continue to live without ever having to die. Therefore, you must, quickly and immediately, take to heart what life as a human is like!’



4.C. -4145 “At that point Musulundha, ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife, will speak these verses: “ ‘Humans suffer in the ways explained. From the intermediate state They take rebirth And are thereafter certain to die.

若住於中陰,自業受苦惱,長夜遠行苦,此苦不可說。cf. Dhs.19.6-10

4.C. -4146 “ ‘While in the intermediate state, They are pulled along by their karmic actions. The suffering of this long journey Is impossible to bear.


4.C. -4147 “ ‘As one is submerged in feces and urine, And tormented by heat, The suffering in the womb Is too painful to describe.


4.C. -4148 “ ‘As one yearns for the taste of food And remains obsessed with that, The suffering of craving food Is too painful to describe.


4.C. -4149 “ ‘As one is burned by the fire of hankering, The suffering of a craving mind Is so intense That it cannot be described.

怨憎不愛會,猶如大火毒,所生諸苦惱,此苦不可說。cf. Dhs.19.10

4.C. -4150 “ ‘For humans, encountering the disagreeable Is as painful as poison or fire. The suffering that arises thereby Is too intense to describe.


4.C. -4151 “ ‘The suffering of separation from loved ones Arises with tremendous force for humans. Difficult to bear and extremely severe, It is too painful to describe.


4.C. -4152 “ ‘The great terrors of heat, cold, and the rest Are immense and abundant. Such excruciating torments Are too painful to describe.


4.C. -4153 “ ‘The manifestation of fatal diseases, And the other envoys of time That living beings must encounter, Are too terrible to describe.


4.C. -4154 “ ‘Helpless and destitute, People fall under the power of others. As they lose whatever good they had, Their suffering is too intense to describe.

愛毒燒眾生,追求受大苦,次第乃至死,此苦不可說。cf. Dhs.19.11-17

4.C. -4155 “ ‘The suffering of constantly searching, While scorched by the poison of craving — Gods, that suffering [F.310.a] Is too intense to describe.


4.C. - 4156 “ ‘The many endless sufferings That arise from unwholesome company And that lead to birth in the lower realms Are all too painful to describe.


4.C. -4157 “ ‘The pains in one’s heart That arise from worrying about one’s children Are the peak of hell, And are unbearable to describe.


4.C. - 4158 “ ‘The ferocious flames Of the fire of hunger and thirst Consume the mind, And are too painful to describe.


4.C. - 4159 “ ‘The agonizing suffering That occurs due to the gossip Of dear friends and relations Is also too painful to describe.


4.C. - 4160 “ ‘Walking hunched over, supported by a stick, While one’s mind and faculties lose strength, One thus suffers the pain of an aging body, Too painful to describe.

人為死所執,從此至他世,是死為大苦,不可得宣說。cf. Dhs.19.17

4.C. -4161 “ ‘The sufferings of wandering beings, As they are rounded up by the Lord of Death And forced to leave their delightful world, Are too painful to describe.


4.C. -4162 “ ‘Beings do not see him, And no act can stop him As he destroys all beings — Such is the Lord of Death.


4.C. -4163 “ ‘Unbearably powerful, He moves everywhere with rage and resolve Throughout all the different worlds — Such is the Lord of Death.


4.C. -4164 “ ‘The fire of time cannot be extinguished And is certain to be felt by every being, Bringing their lives to an end — Such is the Lord of Death.


4.C. -4165 “ ‘As time ravages them, Living beings are destroyed And their aggregates and elements exhausted — Such is the Lord of Death.


4.C. -4166 “ ‘All friends and companions who were born into one’s life Will be lost without exception And shall never be met with again — Such is the Lord of Death.



4.C. -4167 “ ‘As long as the unbearable hardship Of the terror of death is not yet upon you, Be sure to contemplate the Dharma — That will make your heavenly life meaningful.


4.C. -4168 “ ‘Those living a good life Are those who keep the Dharma in mind. [F.310.b] A life that is separate from the Dharma Cannot be called a life.

若人心念佛,是名善命人,不離念佛故,是為命中命。cf. Dhs.29.16-23

4.C. -4169 “ ‘A good life is a life With the Buddha in mind. A life that is separate from the Buddha Cannot be called a life.


4.C. -4170 “ ‘A good life is a life With the Dharma in mind. A life that is separate from the Dharma Cannot be called a life.


4.C. -4171 “ ‘A good life is a life With the Saṅgha in mind. A life that is separate from the Saṅgha Cannot be called a life.


4.C. -4172 “ ‘A good life is a life With the truth in mind. A life divorced from the truth Cannot be called a life.


4.C. -4173 “ ‘A happy life is a life With the path in mind. A life divorced from the path Cannot be called a life.


4.C. - 4174“ ‘Those who keep in mind How to move toward suffering’s transcendence Are referred to as gods among gods. Those who play here are not gods.


4.C. - 4175 “ ‘Those who one-pointedly practiced concentration And thus reached the peak of existence Now live a life attached to their pleasures. Yet, that type of fun is no fun at all.


4.C. - 4176 “ ‘You must understand these flaws Of the ignorant and desirous who frolic in existence, And you must strive for the transcendence of suffering. This is my pith instruction.’


4.C. -4177 “As he thus works for the welfare of others in numerous ways, the ruler of the Heaven Free from Strife replenishes the minds of the gods and frees them from passing to the lower realms.