2022年1月28日 星期五


1.No. 721正法念處經,元魏婆羅門瞿曇般若流支譯

2.藏譯英The Application of Mindfulness of the Sacred Dharma, Saddharma smṛtyupasthāna https://read.84000.co/translation/toh287.html.



4.B. -1564 “ ‘Mighty ones, what are the so-called eleven cultivations? “ ‘As a monk examines the body, he will not become attached to it, and so he will not breed delusion. Nor will he focus his mind rigidly. This is the first cultivation.


4.B. -1565 “ ‘As a monk develops experience in his practice [F.248.b] he will deride his previous pursuits of pleasure. He will not relish such desires, nor will he bring them to mind. Instead, he will regret them and regard them as flaws. This is the second cultivation.


4.B. -1566 “ ‘As a monk continues to carefully familiarize himself with this practice, he develops an ability to be unswayed by objects. This brings the bonds of latent tendencies to exhaustion. This careful practice and development of carefulness is the third cultivation.


4.B. -1567 “ ‘As a monk persists in his practice, he brings virtuous factors to mind and becomes accustomed to them. Thus, he will think, “My present virtuous factors ripen in enjoyable ways and constitute enjoyable causes and conditions. I shall experience a delightful ripening.” With respect to unvirtuous factors, he conceives of them in a similar way. When such practice manifests, this is the fourth cultivation.


4.B. -1568 “ ‘As a monk persists in his practice, he will wonder, “From where do my pleasant sensations come? What is their nature, and what are their causes, conditions, and bases? Do they not distract my mind?” In this manner, he will familiarize himself with the way sensations really are and will regard them as futile. Thus, as he accustoms himself to their being false, fake, and futile, this is the fifth cultivation.


4.B. -1569 “ ‘As a monk continues his practice he will feel, “Formations are all impermanent, painful, empty, and devoid of self. They are false and arise by mutual forces; none of them are the product of a single agent.” As he accustoms himself to this and thus develops detachment, he accomplishes the sixth cultivation.


4.B. -1570 “ ‘As a monk proceeds with the seventh cultivation, he will think, “My virtuous mental activity produces virtue. The result of this virtuous cause is that other ways of thinking diminish so that I no longer maintain such frames of reference. [F.249.a] Similarly, if I should harbor any unvirtuous mental activity, it would diminish my virtuous thoughts and create obstacles for my virtuous qualities.” Constantly maintaining this focus is the seventh cultivation.


4.B. -1571 “ ‘As a monk proceeds with the eighth cultivation, he thinks, “Phenomena are comprised of both universal and particular characteristics, and they all retain their own specific characteristics. In this regard, phenomena remain distinct by their own, intrinsic nature. As I was born, I shall undoubtedly die, because there is no conditioned phenomenon that does not bear the three characteristics.” The monk who thus contemplates the impermanence of all phenomena is practicing the eighth cultivation.


4.B. -1572 “ ‘A monk then continues with the ninth cultivation, familiarizing himself with the three remedies —repulsiveness, love, and dependent origination — that target the three roots of affliction, which are desire, anger, and delusion. This process of familiarization and constant bringing to mind is the ninth cultivation.


4.B. -1573 “ ‘Next a monk practices the tenth cultivation by recollecting the qualities of the buddhas for the sake of the benefit and happiness of the world. Thus, he recollects, “Whoever wishes to constantly benefit themselves should cultivate this!” This is the tenth cultivation.


4.B. -1574 “ ‘A monk also practices an eleventh cultivation, practicing in a way that is continuous and gradual. Thus, in every instant he familiarizes himself with the teachings he has received.

4.B. -1575 “ ‘Monks or others who practice in this way —continuously, from moment to moment, from the time of emerging from the womb and being born through to death, throughout the occasions of being in the womb, youth, adulthood, and old age —will, at the time of death, not fall under the power of the henchmen of the Lord of Death, nor will they see any of the ghastly evildoers. [F.249.b]