2022年1月28日 星期五


1.No. 721正法念處經,元魏婆羅門瞿曇般若流支譯

2.藏譯英The Application of Mindfulness of the Sacred Dharma, Saddharma smṛtyupasthāna https://read.84000.co/translation/toh287.html.



4.B. -1576 “ ‘Those who properly cultivate thirteen recollections accomplish benefits and happiness and, in the end, they go beyond suffering. What are the thirteen? They are the practice of carefully and mindfully recollecting things in a way that is sustained and free from distraction. Thus, one recollects that the bodies referred to as women, whether attractive or not, internally smell awful, are unstable, and resemble a pile of excrement. When one enters a city or town to obtain alms with this unwavering recollection, or when one walks in this way through the land, one will not become sidetracked by thoughts of women. Why not? Because one remains mindful. This is the first recollection.


4.B. -1577 “ ‘Likewise, when in the outer world one comes across delightful forests, rivers, ponds, or groves, one cultivates mindfulness, recollecting that “These delightful things occur in spring and captivate the minds of immature beings, but later they all deteriorate and become unattractive —the petals wither and the leaves dry out. Now they are beautiful, but they will not remain like that. Alas, what is so delightful about this?” With such recollection, one remains free from attachment, is unaffected by the objects, and remains unscathed by the māras.


4.B. -1578 “ ‘Further, in order to accomplish objectives and benefits, one also cultivates a third recollection. What is being recollected and what are the relevant types of apprehension? Whenever one is remembering one’s previous meals, sleep, enjoyments, or experiences, one does not entertain any thoughts about them and does not cling to them. Instead, one recollects, “The senses of ordinary, childish beings are insatiable.” [F.250.a]


4.B. -1579 “ ‘The fourth recollection ensures that one does not get excited but remains detached even if one obtains abundant gifts, respect, bedding, or medical supplies. The compulsion to become rich and famous is corrupting for a mendicant. Such a person’s skin will crack open, and then the same will happen to his flesh. As his flesh breaks open, his veins will be severed, and when his veins are cut, his bones will crack, and the marrow will ooze out. Such are the effects of wealth and fame. Wealth and fame are obstacles to all virtuous qualities. Therefore, the proper practice of recollection is to be one- pointedly mindful of that.


4.B. -1580 “ ‘Next, a fifth recollection is cultivated. Here one does not roam towns, cities, or populated areas. One does not stay in towns and does not engage in conversations with people. One does not participate in mundane diversions or celebrations. Those who stay in towns, cities, or populated areas become distracted and are unable even to take care of themselves. Mindfulness arises as one sees those facts.


4.B. -1581 “ ‘Next, a sixth recollection is cultivated. Considering the above mentioned contexts to be faulty, one instead resides alone and unaccompanied in charnel grounds, at the foot of a tree, in a haystack, in a mountain wilderness, or in an abandoned building. The monk who thus remains uninvolved will accomplish virtuous qualities and relinquish what is to be relinquished.


4.B. -1582 “ ‘Next, a seventh recollection is cultivated. In this case, one does not become excited by accounts of the divine realms, nor does one become depressed by accounts of the hells. Instead, one thinks, “The gods will fall in the end. They will be hurt and come under the control of the Lord of Death’s henchmen. The beings in hell are also dragged along by karmic action. I find nothing to rejoice in here, [F.250.b] and I shall also discourage others from doing so.” Thus, one is neither fond of the higher realms nor fearful of hell. This abandonment of fondness and fear is, in essence, the recollection of virtue, and thus one cultivates this recollection.


4.B. -1583 “ ‘Next, an eighth recollection is cultivated. In this case, one thinks, “It is good that I remain mindful, for it causes the appearance of unvirtuous phenomena to wane and wear out, crushing and relinquishing them. On the other hand, when unvirtuous factors arise in my mind, it makes my mindfulness decrease and causes obstacles. Hence, I shall develop virtuous recollections.” Thus, from moment to moment, one pays careful attention to perceived objects and characteristics. As one’s recollections become continuous and consolidated within the mind, one’s mindfulness becomes dexterous and one will be able to stay clear of the enemy —the billowing waves in the river of mistaken objects.


4.B. -1584 “ ‘Next, a ninth recollection is cultivated. In this case, every single day, one recollects the qualities of the buddhas and develops constant respect for the sacred Dharma. One gives rise to faith in spiritual teachers, adheres to their practices, and develops a mind of tremendous equanimity. One confines one’s visual sphere to the length of a yoke and remains mindful with the wish to benefit all sentient beings. This effective cultivation of mindfulness will eventually culminate in the transcendence of suffering.


4.B. -1585 “ ‘Next, a tenth recollection is cultivated. As one’s mindfulness becomes tremendously stable, one remains aware of the immanence of four great terrors: aging, disease, destitution, and death. Constantly fearful of those great enemies, one does not think happy thoughts. Additionally, one sees four factors to be extremely unstable: life, health, youth, and prosperity. In this way, while constantly fearful of the four terrors, one also accustoms oneself to the four instabilities, and thus one will not be harmed by objects and will not become swayed by desires. [F.251.a] In this way, while remaining mindful, one gains the power to bring down the mountain of afflictions.


4.B. -1586 “ ‘Next, an eleventh recollection is cultivated. In this case, one strives for virtue but without discriminating against others. One is also not lazy or negligent. Since it is detrimental for one person to discriminate against another, one will also abstain from harming or benefiting others. In this way, one’s mind brightens, one’s mindfulness becomes dexterous, and one eagerly practices non-aggression.


4.B. -1587 “ ‘Next, a twelfth recollection is cultivated. In this case, one is constantly eager to listen to the Dharma. Those who eagerly listen to and retain the Dharma will in turn come to firmly uphold it. Thus, one will know how to distinguish evil from its opposite. As when forms hidden in the dark become perceptible with the help of a lamp, one becomes able to see what is evil and virtuous by means of the lamp of the Dharma taught by the blessed ones. Those who develop a mindfulness that is tremendously stable will not be caught in the net of afflictions and will not fall under the sway of the māras. This is how one cultivates the twelfth recollection.


4.B. -1588 “ ‘Next, a thirteenth recollection is cultivated. In this case, one is continuously mindful of the characteristics of the body, mind, and sensations. That which is kept in mind in this way is thereby ascertained and firmly observed. Such mental activity will prevent one from being careless and ensure that one is careful. One who does so will not be ruled by the henchmen of the Lord of Death and instead become independent. One’s recollection will not wane and one will avoid engagements that are untimely or involve the wrong objects or the wrong activities. In this way, these recollections are connected to all aspects of mindfulness.