sādhyaḥ sottaraṃ ca sottarato 'nuttaraṃ cānuttarataḥ/
nityonityataḥ/ anityonityataḥ/ rūpī rūpitaḥ/ arūpyarūpitaḥ/
yathā rūpy arūpī tathā sanidarśano 'nidarśanaḥ sapratigho
'pratighaḥ sāśravo 'naśravaḥ saṃskṛto 'saṃskṛta ity
evam ādinā prabhedanayena/ viśeṣaya sādhyatā draṣṭavyā/
The thesis qualification is the superior of what is superior; being
without superior of what is without superior; permanence of the
permanent; impermanence of the impermanent; the formed of what has
form; the formless of what is formless. Likewise, by dividing into
such (qualifications) as 'shown', 'unshown', 'with impediment',
'without impediment', 'with flux', 'without flux', 'constructed',
'unconstructed', there is the thesis state of a qualification.