2013年6月13日 星期四


[]什麼是所成立的差別?就是還有比他更好的,就叫做有上。在他上面沒有更好,他就是最殊勝的,就說是無上。無為法沒有生住滅,所以叫做常。有為法有生住異滅的變化,就是無常,這就是成立的差別。有色無色也是這樣子。眼所見的就是色,或者色界天、欲界天都是有色,無色界天就是無色。眼是有見,耳鼻舌身是無見。色聲香味觸、眼耳鼻舌身都是有對,有質礙。法塵是無對,無質礙。凡夫是有煩惱,聖人是沒有煩惱。有生滅變化的就是有為,沒有生滅變化的就是無為。如是等無量差別門,當知就是所成立的差別。自性就是總說,差別就是別說。viśeṣaḥ sādhyaḥ sottaraṃ ca sottarato 'nuttaraṃ cānuttarataḥ/ nityonityataḥ/ anityonityataḥ/ rūpī rūpitaḥ/ arūpyarūpitaḥ/ yathā rūpy arūpī tathā sanidarśano 'nidarśanaḥ sapratigho 'pratighaḥ sāśravo 'naśravaḥ saṃskṛto 'saṃskṛta ity evam ādinā prabhedanayena/ viśeṣaya sādhyatā draṣṭavyā/
b. The thesis qualification is the superior of what is superior; being without superior of what is without superior; permanence of the permanent; impermanence of the impermanent; the formed of what has form; the formless of what is formless. Likewise, by dividing into such (qualifications) as 'shown', 'unshown', 'with impediment', 'without impediment', 'with flux', 'without flux', 'constructed', 'unconstructed', there is the thesis state of a qualification.