2013年6月15日 星期六


[]什麼是比量?想知道一件事,要觀察眾多的因緣,在內心裏面思惟。這個識和思擇的心所在一起,思擇也就是觀察、分別。就是思惟過去的情形,也思惟將來的情形,也應該思惟現在的情況,這樣子來認識這件事。如果認識得正確,是名比量。此復五種,哪五種?一、相比量;二、體比量;三、業比量;四、法比量;五、因果比量。anumānaṃ katamat/ sahābhyūhayābhyūhito 'bhyūhyaś ca viṣayaḥ tat punaḥ pañcavidhaṃ draṣṭavyaṃ/ liṅgataḥ svabhāvataḥ karmato dharmato hetuphalataś ca/
What is inference (anumana)? What is attended with the inferable or what has already been inferred, and the sense object which is inferable. Besides, it is of five kinds: from an evidence (lingatas), from an individual presence (svabhavatas), from activity (karmatas), from natures (dharmatas), from cause and effect (hetuphalatas).

[]什麼是相比量?隨所學知道的那件事的所有相狀,互相關聯。或者是由現在所看見的相狀,或者是過去看見的相狀,利用這些,推求、思惟是怎麼情況,就叫做相比量。liṅgato 'numānaṃ katamat/ yat kena cid eva chinanimittasambandhena varttamānena vā pūrvadṛṣṭena vā viṣayābhyūhanaṃ/
A. What is the inference from an evidence (linga)? The inferring of a sense object by association with some sign or sign-source, whether present or formerly seen;

[]譬如看見幢,就知道有車。有幢一定有車,有車一定有幢,所以看見幢就知道是有車。看見那地方冒煙,就是有火,因為以前燒火的時候就是有煙。所以後來看見煙,沒有看見火,也比知是有火。這樣,看見國王很有道德,能力很強,就知道國家也會治理得很好。丈夫是那樣子,也可以知道他的妻子怎麼樣。看見角,看見犎,就知道是有牛。看見皮膚是細軟,頭髮是很烏黑,很輕躁,面容的顏色很美,就知道這個人是個少年。看見面已經有點皺紋,頭髮也白,還有其他的相,比知這個人老。看見這個人,或者拿什麼東西,穿的衣服,來執持,他本身的相貌,就可以知道,這個是出家人,那是俗人。這是從外相,表現於外的相貌,來知道他那件事。這個人歡喜親近聖人,歡喜向聖人學習。或歡喜聽聞正法,對於正法歡喜學習。沒有慳貪。有的,不願意布施,是慳;沒有的還要多求,是貪。從這件事來比對,就知道這個人,是對佛法有信心的人。tadyathā dhyajena ratham anuminoti/ dhūmenāgniṃ rājñā rāṣṭram patyā striyaṃ kakudaviṣāṇabhyāṃ gāvaṃ śiśukālaśīrṣapratya- grayauvanayā taruṇaṃ valīpalitādibhir vṛddhaṃ svena veṣagrahaṇena gṛhiṇāṃ vā pravrajitānāṃ vā āryāṇāṃ darśanakāmatayā saddharmaśravaṇena vītamātsaryatayā ca śraddham/
for example, one infers a battle chariot by means of an ensign (dhvaja); fire by means of smoke; a kingdom by a king; a wife by means of a husband; a bullock by the hump and horns; youth by the head at the time of childhood and the early juvenile; old age by the wrinkles, grey hair, etc.; whether one is among householders or among those in the religious life, by the individual wearing of clothes; a man of faith, by the aryas' desire for the (right) view, their listening to the illustrious doctrine, their freedom from jealousy;

sucintita-cintitayā subhāṣita-bhāṣitayā sukṛtakarmakāritayā paṇḍitam
a wise man, by his reflecting on what was well thought over, by his speaking what was well spoken, by his doing the deeds that were well done;

[]對苦惱的人,內心有慈悲,所說的言語,對人能真實利益。對於眾生要有慈悲心,要為眾生說愛語,要有大勇猛,才能做到。自己有如法所得的財物,歡喜布施給眾生解決困難。能善解釋甚深義趣,有這樣的大智慧。用這個相貌可以知道,這人是菩薩。anukampayā priyavāditayā dhairyena muktahastatayā gambhīrārthasaṃdhi- nirmocanatayā ca bodhisattvam
a bodhisattva, by his compassion, his kindly words, his steadfastaess, his 'open handedness' [i.e. liberality], his unravelling the knots of the profound meaning [=the name of the basic scripture of the Yogacara school, Samdhinirnocana];

[]身掉動,語言也掉動,心也掉動,老是不安。很容易就浮動,歡喜嬉戲,歡喜歌唱、歡笑這些事情。用這個事情來比對,就知道這個人還沒有離欲。因為欲是向外攀緣,向外攀緣就容易動,容易輕轉,就是輕薄,嬉戲、歌笑這些事情。若是行、住、坐、臥的相貌,恒常是寂靜,不是掉動、輕轉、嬉戲、歌笑,就知道這個人離欲,因為不向外攀緣。auddhatya-drava-saṃcagghita- saṃkrīḍita-saṃkilikilāyitena/ avītarāgaṃ sadāpraśānteryāpathena vītarāgaṃ
one addicted to lust, by his frivolity, seductive attitude, laughing together, sporting together, making happy noises together with (others); one free from lust, by his dignified posture, which is continually tranquil;

tathāgatair lakṣaṇair anuvyañjanais tathāgatajñānenopaśamena pratipattyā prabhāvena tathāgatam arhat(t)vaṃ samyaksambuddhaṃ sarvajñaṃ
an omniscient Tathagata-Arhat-Samyaksam-buddha, by the Tathagata characteristics and minor marks, by the Tathagata knowledge, tranquillity, accomplishment, and power;

[]現在這個人老,看見他以前幼年的相狀,那麼和現在的老比對,就知道這是他。如是等類,名相比量。kaumara-dṛṣṭena nimittena sa evāyam iti vṛddham anuminoti/ ity evaṃbhāgīyaṃ liṅgato 'numānaṃ veditavyam/
one infers that an old man is thingking, "I was that very one," by the sign-source seen (by him) that is related to his youth. And what agrees with this category may be understood as the inference by way of an evidence.

[]什麼是體比量?現在看見那個有情的本身的狀況,那一類的其他眾生是什麼樣子沒看見,但是由現在看見的,可以比對那一類眾生也就是這樣。或是只看見一部份,但是比類其他的部份,也可以知道。svabhāvato 'numānaṃ katamat/ yat pratyakṣeṇa svabhāvena viparokṣe svabhāve 'bhyūhanam ekadeśeṇa vā svabhāvasyāikadeśasvābhyūhanaṃ/
B. What is the inference from an individual presence ( svabhava)? The inferring, when an individual presence is out of sight by an individual presence directly perceived; or the inferring of an individual presence in another place, by one in a certain place.

[]以現在這個人,歡喜這事,就可知道過去也是歡喜這事。或是過去是那樣子,將來還是那樣子,因為以前有熏習過,那個東西未來要發生作用。或是現前的事比類遙遠的事情,也是一樣。或是以現在比於未來。tadyathā varttamānenātītam anuminoti/ atītenānāgataṃ pratyutpannaṃ ca sannikṛṣṭena viprakṛṣṭaṃ pratyutpannenāgatam anuminoti/
For example, one infers the past from the present. One infers the future and the present from the past; the remote from the nearby; the future from the present.

又如飲食衣服等者:於彼彼事樂欲轉時,或觸於利,是名為得;或觸非利,是名為失。彼彼事中,於隨一事現見,或得或失,比知所餘一切不現見事得失亦爾。此中一分,謂於一切資具中一事應知。又以飲食一分成熟既現前已,比餘所不現見一分成熟亦爾。此中一分,謂於一事中少分應知。annapānayānavastrālaṃkārāṇāṃ caikadeśena stokena katipayena parīttena parīkṣitena guṇadoṣaparīkṣayā kṛtyam annapānayānavastrālaṃkārāṇāṃ anuminoti/ ekadeśāya kena vā pariśiṣṭāya kam ity evaṃbhāgīyaṃ svabhāvato 'numānaṃ veditavyaḥ/
One infers the purpose (krtya) of food, drink, vehicles, clothes, ornaments, by the particular place of the food, drink, vehicles, colthes, ornaments, and by an inspection that is meager, to some extent, brief, while inspecting the merit and demerit. (One infers) the 'whereby' (kena) for the particular place, and 'to what' (kam) for the rest [the 'merit' and 'demerit']. What is of the same category may be understood as inference from an individual presence.

karmato 'numānaṃ katamat/ yat kāritreṇa karmāśrayābhyūhanam/
C. What is the inference from an activity (karma)? An inferring of the basis of the activity by the mode of action.

aspandana-pakṣiniḍīnādibhiḥ sthāṇum anuminoti/ praspandanāṅgavikṣepādibhiḥ puruṣaṃ padavikārena hastinaṃ gātragativikārenālagardanaṃ/ heṣitenāśvaṃ naditena siṃhaṃ narditenarṣabhaṃ/
For example, one infers a post from such features as the motionlessness and the downward swoop of birds. One infers a human from the pulsation, the movement oflimbs, and so on; an elephant from the imprinting of his foot; a cobra (alagardana) from the swirling passage of its body; a horse from a neigh; a lion from a roar; a bull from its 'bu';

[]有見的作用,就可以比知眼根是正常。聽聲音的作用很好,就知道這個人的耳根還具足。嗅這個香臭的味,就是鼻;嘗那個酸甜苦辣,就是舌。觸這個冷、暖、澀、滑,會有這樣的感覺,就知道他的身是正常。能夠見色聞聲,思惟法義,就知道那個人的意根是正常。darśanena cakṣuḥ śravaṇena śrotraṃ/ jighritena ghrāṇaṃ/ svāditena jihvaṃ/ sparśitena kayaṃ vijñātena manaḥ/
an eye from vision; an ear from hearing; a nose from smelling; a tongue from tasting; a body from touching; a mind from the understood ( vijnata);

[]看這水很澄澈,下面有障礙,就是水下面有地。若見是處草木滋潤,莖葉都是青翠,就比知這個地方水很充足。若見熱灰,就比知那個地方有火。叢林掉動,就知道有風來。āpsu darśanena pratighātena pṛthivīṃ/ snigdhaharitapradeśa- darśanena āpaṃ/ dahabhasmadarśanenāgniṃ/ vanaspati-praspandanena vāyuṃ/
earth from the appearance in water and (its) resistance; water from the appearance of a place that is slippery and green; fire from the appearance of hot ashes; wind from the swaying of trees;

[]眼睛看不見東西,手裏拿一個杖,或者向前進,或者是不進,要問別人這條路對不對,於是乎跌倒,跑到不是道路的地方去,如是等事,比知是盲。說話的時候聲音很大,要聽別人說話,把頭歪一歪,比知這個人的耳朵有問題,是聾。正信、聰叡、離欲、未離欲、菩薩、如來,如是等類,以業比度,如前應知。sadā nimīlitākṣitvena daṇḍabhṛdparavyapadeśa-skhalitāpamārgagamanādibhiś cāndham uccaiḥ śravaṇena badhiraṃ/ śraddhapaṇḍitāvītarāgavītarāga- bodhisattva-tathāgateṣu karmato 'numānaṃ pūrvavad draṣṭavyaṃ/
a blind person (andha) from the constantly closed eyes, the bearing of a staff, the being commanded by another, the going the wrong way in stumbling manner, and so on; a person of hard hearing, by the loud sound. And among those of faith and those of learning, those not free from passion, and those free from passion, and (among) bodhisattvas and Tathagatas; one may observe, as previously, the inference from an activity.

[]謂以相鄰相屬之法等者:此法彼法,裏面的含義,是相鄰近。如說無常和苦就是相鄰近,苦和無我也是相鄰近,都叫做相鄰相屬之法。又若此法能引出來彼法,當知此彼就是互相繫屬。就像生,有情的眾生得到一個色受想行識。生以後,色受想行識,一定會各部份的機能衰退,那就是老。有色受想行識的組織,就會有病。這就叫做此法能引出來彼法,就叫做相屬。dharmato 'numānaṃ katamat/ yan nānuśliṣṭena dharma-sambandhena tatsambandhāyā dharmatāyābhyūhanaṃ/
D. What is the inference from natures (dharma)? The inferring of the continuum (dharmata) of its association by an associated nature (dharma) that is not (obviously) connected thereto.

tadyathā 'nitya-sambandhena duḥkhatām anuminoti/ duḥkha-sambandhena śūnyatānātmatāṃ jāti-sambandhena jarādharmatāṃ jarā-sambandhena maraṇadharmatāṃ
For example, one infers the state of suffering from one (i.e. dharma) associated with impermanence. One infers voidness and nonself from one associated with suffering; (infers) the continuum of old age from one associated with birth; the continuum of death from one (i.e. dharma) associated with birth; the continuum of death from one (i.e. dharma) associated with old age;

[]因為屬於色法,屬於地水火風,是屬於有色,可以眼見,有障礙的,比知它就是要佔據一個處所,也有個形體,一種形相。從眼耳鼻舌身意,流出來貪瞋癡,有煩惱漏,比知這個人一定有苦。從眼耳鼻舌身意,不流出來貪瞋癡,沒有煩惱,與聖道相應,與第一義諦相應,所以在這個無常、苦的境界裏面,可以知道無苦。色受想行識,是屬於有為法,就可以知道有生、住、異、滅。若是見到第一義諦,第一義諦是無為法,無為法是沒有生住異滅,離一切戲論,離一切相的境界。如是等類,叫做法比量。rūpi-sanidarśanasapratigha-sambandhena pradeśatāṃ mūrttatāṃ anuminoti/ sāśravasambandhena saduḥkhatām anāśravasambandhenāduḥkhatām/ saṃskṛta-sambandhena utpādavyayasthityanyathātva-dharmatām ity evaṃbhāgīyaṃ dharmato 'numānaṃ veditavyam/
the placement and corporeality by association with the showing and the impeding of a material entity; accompaniment with misery by association with the fluxional (sasrava); nonaccompaniment with misery by association with the nonfluxional; the continuum of arising, passing away, staying, and becoming otherwise, by association with the constructed (samskrta); [and the continuum of not arising, not passing away, not staying, and not becoming otherwise, by association with the unconstructed (asamskrta)]. Whatever agrees with this category should be understood as inference from natures.

[]什麼是因果比量?就是因和果去相比,果又和因來相比,就是展轉。hetuphalato 'numānaṃ katamat/ yad dhetunā phalasya phalena vā hetor abhyūhanaṃ/
E. What is the inference from cause and effect ( hetuphala)? The inferring of an effect by means of a cause, or of a cause by means of an effect.

[]看見那個人在走路,就知道他到另一個地方。看見那個人,已到另一個地方,就知道他以前是有行。假設看見一個人,合法、不違背國家的法律,奉事於王,就知道這個人將來會得到廣大的祿位。若看見那個人,已經得到廣大的福德的官位,就可以知道他以前已經如法事王。若看見一個人,謹慎地善巧地做事情,就可以知道將來會發財。看見大財富,可以知道已經是很謹慎地很有智慧地做事情。若看見那個人,曾經做過很多於人有利益的事情,於人有損害的事情,可以知道,將來會興盛,也會衰敗,作惡事,將來要得惡報,作善就得善報。若看見那個人很多如意的事情,很多榮譽的事情,後來又是倒楣,那比知先造作有善行,也有惡行的關係。tadyathā gatyā deṣāntaraprāptim anuminoti deṣāntarapraptyā gatim/ rājarādhanena mahābhisāralābhaṃ/ mahābhisāralābhena rājarādhanaṃ sukṛta-sampanna- karmāntatayā mahādhanadhānyalābham mahādhanadhānyalābhena sukṛta-sampanna-karmāntatāṃ prāktana-sucarita-duścaritena sampatti- vipattī sampatti-vipattibhyāṃ prāktana-sucarita-duścaritaṃ/
For example: One infers the reaching of another place by means of the travelling; and (infers) the travelling by the reaching of another place. Attainment of a great rendezvous by pleasing the king; pleasing the king by attaining a great rendezvous. The acquirement of much wealth and goods, by the condition of work that fulfills the well-done; the condition of work that is well-done, by acquirement of much wealth and goods. (One infers) good fortune or disaster, by former good deeds or bad deeds; former good deeds or bad deeds, by good fortune or disaster.

就比豐飲食。若見有人吃得不平等,吃得太多,或吃得太少,或者所食的東西,對他的身體不合適,比知將來會有病。現見有病,比知是人食不平等。若看見有人得到色界的四靜慮,知道那個人是離欲。若看見一個人,能夠離欲,可以知道這個人,一定會得到禪定。若是看見有人能放下世間的塵勞,修學聖道的話,比知當獲出世間的四種沙門果。若見有獲沙門果證,比知一定是修道的關係。如是等類,當知總名因果比量。prabhūta-bhojanena tṛptiṃ/ tṛptyā prabhūta-bhojanam/ viṣama- bhojanena vyādhiṃ/ vyādhinā viṣama-bhojanaṃ/ dhyānena vairāgyaṃ vairāgyena dhyānaṃ mārgeṇa śrāmaṇyaphalaṃ śrāmaṇyaphalena mārgam/ ity evaṃbhāgīyaṃ hetuphalato 'numānaṃ veditavyam/ idam ucyate 'numānam/
Satiation, from the plentiful eating; plentiful eating, from the satiation. Illness, from wrong eating; wrong eating, from illness. (One infers) dispassion, by the meditation (dhyana); meditation, by the dispassion (vairagya). The fruit of monkhood, by the path; the path, by the fruit of monkhood. Whatever agrees with this category should be understood as inference from cause and effect. The foregoing is called inference (anumana).