2013年6月13日 星期四


[]什麼是同類?就是隨順日常生活中所有的法,對所成立的宗義而言,剩餘的一切法。所餘的法裏面,哪一法的相貌,與成立的宗義,展轉相似,譬喻和宗義相似,宗義也和譬喻相似,而只要少部分相似,就算是同類。這個同類的譬喻,還有五種的不同。哪五種?一、相狀相似,二、自體相似,三、業用相似,四、法門相似,五、因果相似。sārūpyaṃ katamat yat kasya cid dharmasya sādṛśena kasya cid eva sādṛśyaṃ tat pañcavidhaṃ draṣṭavyaṃ liṅgasādṛśyaṃ svabhāvasādṛśyaṃ karmasādṛśyaṃ dharmasādṛśyaṃ hetuphalasādṛśyaṃ ca/
What is similarity (sarutpya)? It is a certain resemblance by a likeness to a certain feature (dharma). It is of five kinds, to wit: a. similarity of evidence (linga), b. similarity of individual presence (svabhava), c. similarity of activity (karma), d. similarity of natures (dharma), e. similarity of cause and effect (hetu-phala).

[]什麼是相似呢?現在的生活中,遇見這件事;或者是以前,也看見這件事。什麼事呢?所看見的相狀,彼此相近,以前看見的和現在的相似,現在看見的和以前的也相似。liṅgasādṛśyaṃ katamat/ yad varttamānena vā pūrvadṛṣṭena vā cihnanimittasambaddhena vānyonyasādṛśyaṃ/
a. What is similarity of evidence (lingasadrsya)? A mutual likeness by association with a sign (cihna) or sign-source (nimitta) that is present or formerly seen.

[]什麼是自體相似?相狀相似,是表現於外的相狀。體,在那件事的體上。譬如說這個桌子是木頭造的,木是它的體,另外那個房子也是木頭造的,這個木和木有點相似,那麼這就是叫做自體相似。svabhāvasādṛśyaṃ katamat/ yad anyonyaṃ lakṣaṇasādṛśyaṃ/
b. What is similarity of individual presence (svabhavasadrsya)? A mutual likeness of character.

karmasādṛśyaṃ katamat/ yad anyonyam kāritrasādṛśyaṃ/
c. What is similarity of activity (karmasadrsya)? A mutual likeness of operation.

dharmasādṛśyaṃ katamat/ yad anyonyaṃ dharmatayā sādṛśyam tadyathā anityaṃ duḥkhadharmatayā duḥkhaṃ nairātmyadharmatayā nirātmakānāṃ jātidharmatayā jātidharmakānāṃ jarādharmatayā jarādharmakānāṃ maraṇadharmatayā rūpyarūpi-sanidarśanānidarśana-sapratighāpratigha- sāśravānāśrava-saṃskṛtā-saṃskṛta-dharmatayā evambhāgīyayā dharmatayā/
d. What is similarity of natures (dharmasadrsya)? What is mutually similar by a continuum (dharmata); as follows: (similarity) to impermanence by the continuum of suffering. To suffering by the continuum of nonself. (Similarity) of those without self by the continuum of birth. Of those with the nature of birth by the continuum of old age. Of those with the nature of old age by the continuum of death. (And similar to) the formed (rupin), theformless (arupin); to the shown (sanidarsana), the unshown ( anidarsana); to the impeded (spratigha), the unimpeded (apratigha); to the fluxional (sasrava)' the nonfluxional (anasrava); to the constructed (samskrta), the unconstructed (asamskrta) bycontinuums; (so) by continuum of like category.

hetuphalasādṛśyaṃ katamat/ yad anyonyoṃ hetutaḥ phalataś ca niṣpādananiṣpattisādṛśyam/ idam ucyate sārūpyaṃ/
e. What is similarity of cause and effect (hetuphalasadrsya)? The mutual likeness of the accomplishing process and the full accomplishment through cause and through fruit. The foregoing is called similarity.