katamat yad aviparokṣam anabhyūhitam anabhyūhyam avibhrāntam ca/
is direct perception (pratyaksa)? What is not out-of-sight,not
already inderred and not to be inferred, and non-delusory.非不現見現量
katamat yac caturbhir ākārair veditavyam aparibhinnendriye
pratyupasthite manaskāre 'nurūpotpattitaḥ samatikramopattito
'nāvaraṇato 'viprakarṣataś ca/
What is the not out-of-sight (aviparoksa)? It is to be understood by
four aspects. Given that the senses are unimpaired and that attention
( manaskara) is present, it is A-1, because of occurrence in
conformity; A-2, because of occurrence with transcendence; A-3,
because of lack of obscuration; A-4, because of accessibility.
katamā kāmāvacarasyendriyasya kāmāvacaro viṣayaḥ
ūrddhvabhūmikasyendriyasya ūrddhvabhūmiko viṣayo ya utpannaḥ
samutpanno jātinirvṛttaḥ so 'nurūpotpattir ity ucyate/
What is occurrence in conformity ( anurupotpatti)? The realm ranging
in desire for the senses ranging in desire, the realm of those in
higher stages for the senses of those in higher stages, which has
arisen, arisen together, been fulfilled in its jati (common origin).
This is said to be occurrence in conformity.
katamā ya ūrddhvabhūmikasyendriyasyādhobhūmiko viṣaya utpanna
ity evam ādi samatikramopattir ity ucyate/
What is occurrence with transcendence (samatikramotpatti)? When the
realm of those in lower stages has arisen for the senses of those in
higher stages.
katamat tad api caturbhir ākārair veditavyam
saṃmohanīyenāvaraṇena yad anāvṛtaṃ tad anāvṛtam ity
What is lack of obscuration ( anavarana)? It also has four aspects,
namely, what is unobscured by an obscuration that veils, or by that
which makes disappear, or that overpowers, or by those which confuse,
are said to be unobscured.
āvaraṇaṃ katamat/ tadyathā tamo 'ndhakāram avidyāndhakāraṃ
rūpāntaraṃ cānaccham/
What is the veiling obscuration ( avacchadaniya-avarana)? As
follows---pitch-black darkness, darkness of nescience, and the
unclearness [or lack of definition] within shape (or color).
āvaraṇaṃ katamat/ tadyathā auṣadhibalaṃ vā mantrabalaṃ
vārddhyanubhāvabalaṃ vā/
What is the obscuration that makes disappear (
antardhayaniya-avarana)? As follows-the power of herbs, or the power
of incantations, or the power of magical might.
āvaraṇaṃ katamat/ tadyathā parīttaṃ prabhūtenābhibhūtam
nopalabhyate bhojanapānī vā viṣaṃ keśāgram vā yad vā punar
anyad evaṃbhāgīyaṃ/ tadyathā parīttatejā ugratejasābhibhuto
nopalambhate/ ādityena vā candramasā vā/ tārakarūpāṇi/
tadyathā vipakṣeṇa pratipakṣo 'bhibhūto nopalabhyate/
aśubhāmanaskareṇa vā śubhatā anityaduḥkhānātma-
manaskareṇa vā sukhatā
animittamanaskareṇa vā sarvanimittāni/
What is the obscuration that overpowers ( abhibhavaniya-avarana)? As
follows-a tiny thing overpowered by a large thing, or not reaching
food and drink, or the poison on a hair tip, or anything of the same
category, to wit, a tiny radiance overcome by a fierce radiance and
not apprehended, e.g. the forms of stars by the sun or moon; an
adversary side (in the debate) overcome by the opponent and no longer
apprehended; an appealing state by a mental orientation to the
repulsive; a happy state by a mental orientation to impermanence,
pain, and nonself; or any sign-source by a mental orientation to
katamat/ tadyathā māyākarma rūpanimittaviśeṣo vānusādṛśyam
vā ādhyātmaṃ vā pratyātmaṃ vā taimirikaṃ vā
svapna-mūrcchā-māda-pramāda-unmādaś ceti/ yadvā punar anyat tv
evaṃbhāgīyaṃ āvaraṇaṃ idam ucyate saṃmohāvaraṇaṃ/
What is obscuration that confuses ( sammohavarana)? As follows---a
work of illusion ( mayakarma), the diverse signsources of form, a
similitude ( anusadrsya), the inferior ( adhyatma), what is back
inside (pratyatma), cauls (of the eyes), sleep, faint, intoxication,
heedlessness, derangement; or some other obscuration of the same
cateyory. This is called the obscuration that confuses.
katakaḥ trividhena viprakarṣeṇa yad aviprakṛṣṭaṃ
deśaviprakarṣataḥ kālaviprakarṣato 'pacayaviprakarṣataś
ca/ tad etat sarvam abhisamayasyāviparokṣam aviparokṣataḥ
pratyakṣaṃ pramāṇaṃ draṣṭavyam/
What is accessibility ( aviprakarsa)? In consideration of three kinds
of inaccessibility, there is accessibility, namely inaccessibility of
place ( desaviprakarsa), inaccessibility of time ( kalaviprakarsa),
and inaccessibility through metaphysical nature ( apacayaviprakarsa).
together all those (kings of) 'not out-of-sight'for direct vision,
one may observe the 'direct perception' authority by way of 'not
anabhyūhyam pratyakṣaṃ katamat/ yo
āśrayo viṣayaḥ/ yaś ca
viṣayapratiṣṭhitopalabdhyāśrayo viṣayaḥ/
grahaṇamātraprasiddhopalabdhyāśrayo viṣayaḥ katamaḥ/ yo
viṣayo grahaṇamātraprasiddhāyā upalabdher āśrayakṛtyaṃ
karoti/ tadyathā bhiṣag āturāya bhaiṣajyaṃ dadyād
varṇagandharasasparśasampannam mahāvīryavipākaprabhāvaṃ ca/
tasya varṇagandharasasparśā grahaṇamātraprasiddhāyā
upalabdher āśrayabhūtā draṣṭavyā/ mahāvīryavipākaprabhāvas
tv akṛta ārogyo 'nabhyūhyo bhavati/ kṛte 'nabhyūhita ity ayam
evaṃbhāgīyo grahaṇamātraprasiddhopalabdhyāśrayo viṣayo
What is direct perception that is not already inferred and not to be
inferred? The sence object which is a basis for acknowledged
apprehension consisting of perceiving-only; and the sense object
which is a basis established for apprehension of the sense object.
What is the sense object which is a basis for acknowledged
apprehension consisting of perceiving-only
(grahanamatraprasiddho-palabdhyasrayo visaya)? The sence object which
performs the function of apprehension acknowledged as
perceiving-only, e.g. (Suppose) a physician would prescribe for an
illness a medicine perfect in color, odor, taste, and touch, and
having great effectiveness, result, and potency. Its color, odor,
taste, and touch are observable as a basis by apprehension
acknowledged as perception-only. Given that there are the great
effectiveness, result, and potency-still, before being brought about,
health is not to be inferred; and after being brought about, is not
already inferred. And one should understand the sense object that is
the basis of apprehension acknowledged as preceiving-only to be of
like category.
viṣayaḥ katamaḥ/ viṣayapratiṣṭhitāyā upalabdher
āśrayakṛtyaṃ karoti /
What is the sense object which is a basis established for
apprehension ofa sense object ( visayapratisthitopalabdhyasrayo
visaya)? The one that performs the function of a basis for
apprehension which is established upon the sense object.
yogācārsya pṛthivyām āpastejovāyudhātūn abhyūhya pṛthivīm
āpo 'dhimucyamānasya pṛthivīsaṃjñaivāvatiṣṭhate
vyāvartate/ āpsaṃjñā pṛthivītejovāyum adhimucyamānasya
pṛthivīsaṃjñaivāvatiṣṭhate vyāvartate/ tejovāyusaṃjñā
tasya yā pṛthivīsaṃjñā sā viṣaya-pratiṣṭhitā
upalabdhiḥ/ yā pṛthivī sā viṣaya-pratiṣṭhitāyā
upalabdher āśrayaḥ yathā pṛthivī evam āpastejovāyur
yathāyogaṃ draṣṭavyaḥ/ ayam ucyate viṣaya-pratiṣṭhitāyā
upalabdher āśrayo viṣayaḥ/
wit-When there is the yoga-practitioner's inferring of water, fire,
and wind element in earth; then may that one (mentally) change the
earth to water, still. just the idea of earth persists while the idea
of water goes away. And may one (mentally) change the earth into fire
or wind, still just the idea of earth persists while the idea of fire
or wind goes away. Whatever is one's idea of earth, it is an
apprehension founded on the (actual) sense object. Whatever is earth
(as an object), it is a basis of the apprehension founded upon a
sense object. Just as is earth, so also water, fire, and wind are to
be observed according to the circumstance. This is said to be a sense
object which is the basis of an apprehension founded upon a sense
object. And it (the sense object) is not already inferred and not to
be inferred. But the elements are to be inferred when the (mental)
change of them still has not succeeded, and were already inferred
when the (mental) change of them has succeeded.
'nabhyūhito 'nabhyūhyaḥ/ dhātavas tv aniṣpannāyām adhimuktāv
abhyūhyā vidyanata iti/ niṣpannāyām tv abhyūhitā/ idam ucyate
'nabhyūhitam anabhyūhyam/ pratyakṣaṃ pramāṇam/
foregoing is said to be the 'direct perception' authority as not
already inferred, and not to be inferred.非錯亂境界現量
viṣayaḥ pratyakṣaṃ katamat/ tat pañcavidhaṃ draṣṭavyaṃ
saptavidhaṃ vā/ pañcavidhaṃ katamat pañcavidhā bhrāntiḥ
pañcavidhā bhrāntiḥ katamā saṃjñābhrāntiḥ
saṃkhyābhrāntiḥ saṃsthānabhrāntiḥ/ varṇabhrāntiḥ/
karmabhrāntiś ca/ saptavidhā bhrāntiḥ katamā asyām eva
pañcavidhāyāṃ bhrāntau sarvatragaṃ dvividhaṃ bhrāntir
miśrayitvā saptavidhā bhrāntir bhavati dvividhā bhrāntiḥ
katamā cittabhrāntir dṛṣṭibhrāntiś ca/
What is the direct perception when the sense object is nondelusory?
[Not] the five kinds, or the seven kinds. What are the five kinds?
There are five kinds of delusion ( bhranti), namely, delusion of
idea, delusion of number, delusion of shape, deusion of color,
delusion of activity. What are the seven kinds of delusion? There are
two delusions that pervade the five kinds. When one adds (to the
list) the two kinds of delusion, there are seven kinds. The two kinds
of delusion are delusion of thought and delusion of view.
katamā/ yā 'tallakṣaṇā tatsaṃjñā tadyathā
marīcikānimittāyāṃ mṛgatṛṣṇikāyām āpsaṃjñā/
What is delusion of idea ( samjnabhranti)? Any idea of something
where there is no such characteristic; for example, the idea of water
when there is the fancied appearance constituting a mirage-sign.
katamā/ yo 'lpe bahvabhimānaḥ/ tadyathā taimirikasya/ ekasmiṃś
candre bahucandradarśanaṃ/
What is delusion of number (samkhyabhranti)? The false confidence (
abhimana) of numerous when there is few, for example, for the person
with an eye-caul, to see many moons when there is one moon.
katamā/ yo 'nyasaṃsthāne tadanyasaṃsthānābhimānaḥ/
tadyathā alāta-cakra-saṃsthānadarśanaṃ/
What is delusion of shape (samsthanabhranti)? The false confidence
that there is a certain shape when there is a different shape: for
example, to see the shape of the whirling fire-brand.
katamā/ yo 'nyavarṇe tadanyavarṇābhimānaḥ/ tadyathā
kāmalena yādhinopahitendriyasyāpīte rūpe pītarūpadarśanaṃ/
What is delusion of color ( varnabhranti)? The false confidence that
there is a certain color when there is a different color; for
example, the seeing of a yellow color when the color is not yellow,
by a sense organ deceived ( upahita) by the 'yellow eye' illness.
katamā/ yo 'karmake sakarmakatvābhimānaḥ/ tadyathā gāḍhaṃ
muṣṭim ūrddhvadhārato vṛkṣānuvrajadarśanaṃ/
What is delusion of activity (karmabhranti)? The false confidence
that there is activity when there is no activity; for example, to see
a tree moving alongside while holding up a tight fist.
katamā/ anayaiva pañcavidhayā bhrāntyā vibhrānte 'rthe
What is delusion of thought (cittabhranti)? The delight of
consciousness in the entity mistaken by reason of precisely those
five kinds (C-1 through-5) of delusion.
katamā/ yā pañcavidhayaiva bhrāntyā vibhrānte 'rthe
rocanā-dīpanā-vyavasthāpanā- maṅgala-saṃjñābhiniveśaḥ/
What is delusion of view (drstibhranti)? The idea of, and the
clinging to satisfaction, stimulation, encouragement, and
auspiciousness, in regard to the entity mistaken by reason of
precisely those (same) five kinds of delusion.問答
etat pratyakṣaṃ kasya pratyakṣaṃ vaktavyaṃ/ samāsataś
caturṇāṃ rūpīndriyaṃ pratyakṣaṃ mano 'nubhavapratyakṣaṃ
lokapratyakṣaṃ śuddhapratyakṣaṃ ca/
this direct perception is a direct-perception concern of what? In
short, of four, namely direct perception belonging to the formal
sense organs, direct perception belonging to mental experience,
direct perception belonging to the world, and pure direct perception.
katamat/ rūpiṇāṃ pañcānām indriyāṇāṃ yo gocaraviṣayo
yathānirdiṣṭena pratyakṣalakṣaṇena/
What is direct perception belonging to the formal sense organs? The
sense object(s) for ranging (or, scope) of the five formal sense
organs, according to the characteristic of direct perception, as was
pointed out.
'nubhavapratyakṣaṃ katamat/ yo manogocaro viṣayo
yathānirdiṣṭena pratyakṣalakṣaṇena/
What is direct perception belonging to mental experience? The sense.
object which is the range of mind, according to the characteristic of
direct perception as was pointed out.
katamat/ tad ubhayam ekadhyam abhisaṃkṣipyaṃ lokapratyakṣaṃ
ity ucyate/
What is direct perception belonging to the world? Taking the
foregoing two together as one, there is 'direct perception belonging
to the world'.
katamat/ yat tu tal lokapratyakṣaṃ śuddhapratyakṣaṃ api tat/
syāt tu śuddhapratyakṣaṃ na lokapratyakṣaṃ yo lokottarasya
jñānasya gocaraviṣayo/ sac ca sato 'sac cāsataḥ sottaraś ca
sottarataḥ/ asādhāraṇaṃ laukikaiḥ/ idam ucyate pratyakṣaṃ
What is pure direct perception? There is a pure direct perception
that is the foregoing direct perception belonging to the world. But
there can be a pure direct perception that is not a direct perception
belonging to the world, namely the sense object which is the range of
supramundane knowledge. And the knowledge of the existence of the
existent, the nonexistence of the nonexistent, the superiority of
what is superior, is the 'direct perception authority' not shared by